
Sunday, February 17, 2008


Another "this and that" post:

I hi-jacked a carpenter yesterday, reader: I have been waiting for this particular carpenter to return to finish off some jobs for two and a half years [I think carpenters and builders must be the same the world over] so when I saw him about to enter the post office yesterday, I quickly positioned myself between him and the door. He quite sweetly agreed to come to the flat and measure up before doing his post office errand, so I am hopeful of having the work finished by the summer ! I have promised myself that I will hold on to my pazienza, for at least when he does turn up he will work well at a non-exorbitant cost. Besides, how could one forego a visit from a carpenter whose name translates as "Mr Orange blossom"?

Yesterday I also discovered that the best time to visit the butchery counter at my nearest supermarket on a Saturday is just before 1pm. Everyone had gone home for the sacred pranzo by this time - everyone, that is, except the butcher's mates, who kept passing to wish him a buona domenica and discuss the state of the world. This would be OK if the butcher could talk without gesticulating, which, of course, he can't, so it is hands off the meat, knives swinging somewhat dangerously in the air and much uttering of "Ma ..." [="but" used as an expression of exasperation when the talk turns political]. I keep my pazienza here , too, because he does have a delightful smile! [If you have ever watched Italians buy their weekend meat, you will know that it is a very long process, for they each buy so many different types, and have to have their favourite type of salsciccia as well, or domenica would not be domenica.]

Talking of food, this week the top models at Milan Fashion Week were being photographed cooking in an effort to combat the growing popularity of anorexia as a lifestyle "choice". I am not sure it is a "choice" given the images projected at young and even older women, for that matter, but at least it was an original idea and an attempt to do something, I thought.

Casablanca, with 12.6% of the votes is winning in the poll for best romantic film that I mentioned last week. My own choice, The Bridges of Madison County, is second with 11.7%. The poll appears to be still open.

The dishy Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoia has, I read, apologised for his family's and his own outrageous attempts to win compensation from the Italian government for the exile imposed upon them. Now it seems the Prince is considering entering the political arena. I have two things to say to that: dynasties, in countries which have had the sense to oust them, are not looked upon kindly; and royalty [including the "ex" kind] should stay out of politics!

I will end this post as I began it, on a domestic issue: Sunday night and the bloody water has run out again - aaarrgh!


  1. So all is normal in your part of the world tonight? I hope you had a buona domenica Welshcakes.

  2. It was all right till the water ran out, jmb!

  3. Anonymous4:28 pm

    Highjacking a carpenter...this could begin a new about highjacking a certain bottled water fetcher?

  4. I will try, Shirl and Lola!

  5. Love your descriptions, particularly the butcher gesticulating with his knife!

  6. Thasnks, WW. If you visit, I will take you to have a look at him!
