
Sunday, February 03, 2008


I thought I'd try a different way of making bracioline [filled meat rolls, in this case, veal] last night and was pleased with the result: the veal scaloppine are lined with prosciutto crudo and filled with orange segments. They are then dipped in a mixture of egg and milk and rolled in pane grattuggiato [very fine, fresh breadcrumbs which we can buy]. They are cooked on the hob and served in a sauce containing onion, white wine, fresh orange juice, grated orange rind and, of course, seasoning. The sauce is thickened with a little cornflour. The blood oranges available at the moment are perfect for this recipe. In Britain I used to find recipes like this, involving dipping and coating, rather messy to prepare but this is not the case here, with the availability of pane grattuggiato. I ran out of oranges with which to garnish the dish, so used clementine and lemon slices.


  1. That sounds unusual and looks lovely. As does the ravioli in the next but one post! We have had a traditional roast chicken Sunday lunch today - or rather evening meal. It's not often I do a roast these days but it's simple and popular - especially with George who will benefit from the excess veg! I can't get out of the habit of cooking for 5!

  2. Ciao, Liz. The roast sounds great to me! Simi says "buon appetito" to George.

  3. Suppose, one I came to Sicily, I'd stay for six weeks. At least. :)

  4. Looks delicious as usual Welshcakes. Veal stuffed with orange sounds wonderful

  5. Hi, Sean. And very welcome you will be. Thanks, jmb.
