
Thursday, February 14, 2008


OK, I'll admit it now: today is my birthday! I have been given the evening off by my new boss [I did not request it] who cancelled tonight's class and told me to "Go home and enjoy yourself". On this occasion I am happy to fall in with this Italian sense of priorities!

I was lucky enough to be invited to a celebratory lunch with Linda, Gino, Chiara and some French friends of theirs and here is what was on the menu: antipasti of focacce with aita [chard], olives and marinated cherry tomatoes; Linda's fabulous asparagus risotto; breast of turkey [turkey is popular here all year round but the whole bird is never roasted] stuffed with a mixture of breadcrumbs, celery and chopped capers; cheeses and these beautifully perfumed clementines gathered at the Cava this very morning; a crème caramel made by one of the French ladies and finally we relaxed with a selection of Chiara's liqueurs and coffee.

Don't these flowers from Linda, Gino and Chiara look lovely in my new vase? As I was carrying them up the road one of my male neighbours came across and asked if it was my birthday. "As a matter of fact, it is", I replied and I found myself once again enthusiastically embraced , reader. I do love Italians!


  1. Happy bithday Welshcakes, and a hug from me too.

  2. Happy birthday on Valentine's Day, Welsh! :) And all the best for the coming 365 days.

  3. Thanks, Ellee. Much appreciated. Ciao , Sean and thank you. Hope I last another 365 days!!

  4. Happy birthday WL..hope you have had a brilliant day....lots of love anne xx x

  5. Happy birthday to you ...
    Happy birthday to you ...
    Happy birthday dear Welshcakes
    Happy birthay to you
    .....and many, many more

    It looks like you had a wonderful day.

  6. Happy Birthday! The lunch looks splendid, especially the asparagus risotto. I LOVE Italy, and everything Italian. It is where I met my hubby. Many Many more!

  7. Happy Birthday to my favorite Welshcakes in the whole wide world :-) I am so glad you are being thoroughly (but deservedly) spoilt by those around you. It is just the way it should be lol

    And thanks for sharing your banquet, I love seeing your food :-)

  8. Happy Birthday Welshcakes and the flowers are beautiful. Irises and tulips, harbingers of Spring.

  9. Happy Birthday Dear Welshcakes. I`m so glad you had a lovely day. You are truly blessed to be surrounded by such kind and loving friends. I can understand why you love the Italians so much, all those hugs and kisses, you lucky, lucky girl !
    From 'your' Italian cook Book, I am preparing, Bracioline di Manzo o Vitello alla Puglise, for supper this evening.
    Do you know, I`ve given up on the idea of learning Latin, as I can't find a tutor, so, I and am now, seriously thinking of learning Italian. We intend to go across to Italy in June when we are holidaying in Antibes, a little Italian may be helpful, don't you think ?
    See how you have inspired me and I'm sure, many others, in the cuisine and culture of Italy, Thankyou.

    Ciao Ciao,

    Di. xxx

  10. Anonymous11:43 am

    Hoppy brithday to you - sorry I was late!!

  11. Thanks, Anne. x Most kind, flutterby. I did have a nice day. Thank you, indigo-daisy. Yes, I must get the risotto recipe and post it. Thank you, mg. You do cheer me up. x Thanks, jmb. Yes, a very springlike bouquet. Thanks, trubes. GLad you have the cookbook. Do let me know how the recipe turns out. Sorry you can't find a Latin tutor but do go ahead and learn some Ital! Thanks for your encouragement, too .x Thank you, dear Mutley. I do appreciate your good wishes. x

  12. Happy Birthday to a woman who out shines any bouquet (gorgoeus as they are) you inspire me always Welscakes...x

  13. A late Birthday wish from me, Welchcakes. Hope you had a wonderful day. Is this a special birthday? One that I had last year perhaps.

    An Irish Wish for a Friend.

    Wishing you a rainbow
    For sunlight after showers-
    Miles and miles of Irish smiles
    For golden happy hours-

  14. Looks like you had a marvelous birthday and you even got the day off! I sent you an e-card but I have a feeling it disappeared into cyberspace!

  15. Belated birthday greetings WL - hope you had a lovely day!

  16. Let's wish each other happy birthday then. Mine was quite pleasant in itself.

  17. Grazie, WW. Abbey, you are very kind - thank you. Thanks, MM - no, not a special one. Love the Irish wishes. Thank you, Leslie. I did receive notification of an ecard but I couldn't open it. But thank you for the kind thought. Many thanks, June. Much appreciated. Thanks, James but when was yours? Buon compleanno anyway.

  18. The top greasy bread thing looks well pukka!

  19. Ciao, Gleds. You'd love this and it's not at all greasy!

  20. Belated birthday wishes - penblwydd hapus! Your flowers are so beautiful.
    Can't believe I've let so much time race past since I was here last! Sorry!

  21. Many happy returns!

    I think I'm slowly catching you up, though...

  22. Oh, Pat, I've only just caught up with this! I'm sorry I missed it on the day but I hope you had a wonderful day - it sounds as if you did! - and I hope this coming year will be extra special for you in one way or another.

  23. Sorry I havent been around for a few days or I would ahve wished you a happy birthday. Please accept these belated wishes

  24. Hi, dragonstar. Thanks and it's always good to see you! Thank you, Crushed. You've a while to go yet! Liz and jams -many thanks. I do appreciate your good wishes.

  25. Anonymous4:30 pm

    Really very sorry I missed your birthday so have placed it in Outlook so the same does not happen next year, WL!

  26. Hi, Shirl. You have to tell me when yours is, too!
