
Tuesday, January 08, 2008


A friend who knows I have got the [seasonal] blues called in today with this lovely bouquet of mimosa blossom and some citrus fruit from her garden. How could I continue to feel low looking at this wonderful display of colour? The scent of the freshly picked citrus fruit reaffirms my belief in miracles. Friendship is also a miracle, is it not, reader? And I so appreciate the friendship I have, across continents, through this blog.


  1. Are those lovely apricots in your fruit bowl. I bought some recently cut them in half, sprinkled a little brown sugar in them into the oven to bake and served them with fromage frais. Delicious

  2. Friends always seem to know when your down and always have a way of cheering you up
    Those flowers look great, how could you not smile when looking at them :-)

  3. Isn't it amazing when someone knows just when to do something kind for you! What a lovely friend to bring such sunshine into your life at this time. I had been wishing I could have done something for you but alas, I'm so far away! Glad it cheered you up. :D

  4. Hi, Mm. No, oranges. What you did with apricots sounds lovely and I am going to try it next time I find some. Hi, Sally. Yes, they do, indeed. And you're right - I have to smile when I look at those. Thank you. Ciao, Leslie. But you have done it- you are commenting here and I so appreciate that! xx

  5. There's nothing like yellow to cheer one up, is there Welshcakes? For a long time it was my favourite colour, until I changed to red, an even warmer colour.

    Spring will make you feel better and time. That's what I tell myself anyway. We are glad to be your friends.

  6. Hi there, I enjoy reading your blogsite. Have gathered a few recipes that I have yet to try.

    Today I was a bit confused. I am not an expert but the flowers look like Wattle from the Australian Wattle Tree. They also have a bad fragrance.

    I thought Mimosa flowers were pink? But I could be wrong.


  7. So pleased that you were cheered up by your friend, bright and beautiful :-)

  8. I think Mimosa are the perfect remedy to the blues. I had two such trees in my previous garden here in Cornwall I loved their foliage as much as their blooms. All I have now is a palm tree but I also have a much smaller plot and overlook a deciduous valley so I consider those "my trees" too! The blogging community is such fun, we have never met but feel we know each other, so hey for technology.

  9. Anonymous12:00 pm

    You don't eat the flowers do you? I am beginning to find the idea quite nice...

  10. I thought Mimosa was Buck's Fizz with cognac

  11. Those lovely mimosas have lured me out of the lurker shadows. Are the hillsides covered with that sunny yellow? Just remember, Sicily comes out of the winter doldrums a whole lot sooner than other parts of the world.

  12. Hi, jmb. It is cheery, isn't it? Hi, ardent. Nice to meet you. Well, I haven't heard of the wattle tree but momosa can be yellow or pink, as far as I know. I haven't seen any pink blossom here, though. These do not have a bad smell. Thanks, Anne x Hi, kissa. I'm sure they are "your" trees by right now and that the view is lovely. Yes, blogging is amazing. Hi, Mutley. I don't think so! WW, I must try that! Nice to meet you, flutterby. I don't know about the hills as I rarely go out of the city. But the mimosa blossom is everywhere in flower shops. Yes, Sicily has such a pretty, eraly spring.

  13. Anonymous2:55 pm

    What a beautiful photograph, WL. Not just the subject, that's a given. Your images are so crisp and clear, well done.

  14. Glad you`re cheering up a little Welshcakes. `Tis definitely a touch of the Seasonal Blues. We used to try and have a Holiday somewhere warm but after two weeks of sunshine, then returning to the miserable weather back home, had a counter productive effect.
    This year we`re going to a lovely Old English Inn for a few days in the Ribble Valley Lancashire. It has log fires in every room, four poster beds and wonderful food. So lots of walks and a bit of "Retail Therapy" should lift the flagging spirits.
    Whem I`m feeling "blue" I try to think of all the good things in life, fortunately they usually outweigh the the bad.
    So cheer up Dear Welshcakes, you certainly brighten my day with your wonderful writings and delicious recipes. From all accounts you seem to have some lovely friends in Sicily.
    Not forgetting also, your gorgeous dawgie Simi. xx (from Chloe).

    Here`s to Spring and Summer !

  15. How beautiful and what a great friend.I would have done the same for you if I lived close by.

  16. Those are beautiful, and so bright and cheery. What a lovely friend.

  17. hey I thought Mimosa was champagne and orange juice I never realized it was a flower too!

  18. Funny thing friends.

    I often think it goes back to that glass half empty, glass half full thing.

    Good people tend to be optimists, but it's better to be an optimist and look for friends everywhere, than it is to be a pessimist looking for enemies everywhere.

    Or so I like to think. Doesn't always pan out, sadly, but I still think optimists win.

  19. Very nice, Welsh! Nothing like fresh flowers to cheer you up. We have a few of those trees here in Cailforina but I prefer the drink, wink-wink.

  20. Anonymous11:59 pm

    WCL -

    The drink known by the British as "Bucks fizz" is what Americans call a "mimosa". What a fortuitous conjuction you've achieved in your picture - mimosa flowers and oranges.

    Well done you.

  21. You see how many friends you have? You are one very lucky lady.

  22. I hope the fact that there's been no new post for a few days means you're out and about having fun - either with your students, friend, or Mr. Gorgeous! ;D

  23. Ah dear Welshcakes, I have just read about you feeling down and wish I could have been "over" earlier to try to cheer you up. It is very hard sometimes I know and you always seem to keep so busy and productive; we rely on you, you know ...(now that's not pressure is it?) Lots of love xxx

  24. Thanks, Shirl. I was a bit worried about taking the photo in my untidy kitchen so I'm glad you think it's OK! thank you so much, Trubes. Yes, seasonal! That sounds a lovely hol you are planning to me. Here's to spring and summer indeed - cincin! xx I know you would have, Ellee and it would be great if we were neighbours, wouldn't it? x thanks, Liz. Yes, they are so bright and cheery and I have wonderful friends both here and online x Luv to George x Ciao, gleds! Will be over shortly x hi, Crushed. I think I'm probably a pessimist, basically. But friendship warms the heart, as they say. Hi, pink. cincin to you, then! x Ciao, Ludlingtonian. I didn't know that, so thank you x hi again, ellee,yes, I am and I do so appreciate it x Hi, Leslie. thank you. Just got a bit overwhelmed with work and all yesterday. Back on form now. Over to yours later xx Thanks, janejill. That means so much to me. I'm ok now. Lots of love xx

  25. Anonymous12:54 am

    Well done WL!

  26. Thanks, Shirl. That's a lovely pic of you, btw. x

  27. Oh Welshcakes, at first I thought I was looking at a bunch of Australian wattle..I'm sending you a virtual hug to warm you up... :)x

  28. Thanks, Abbey. Hug gratefully accepted. x

  29. Gorgeous bright sunshine to bring inside. Perfect for this time of year.
    I agree with what you said about friends. I had no ides when I started my blog that I would make so many friends from so many places.
    This blogging life is good.

  30. Hi, Dragonstar. It is, indeed. x
