
Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Would you like to learn Italian? Do you also dream of holidaying on a beautiful, exotic island? If so, why not take an Italian course in sunny Sicily? The English International School in Modica [established since 2003] can offer you an Italian course tailored to your needs, at a time of year that is convenient for you. The School can also arrange your accommodation and help organise your excursions. The splendid, historic town of Modica is an ideal base from which to visit elegant Scicli, Baroque Ragusa, evocative Noto and ancient Syracuse. The delights of Modican chocolate also await you and the beaches are only a 15-minute drive from the town!

Whether you are a complete beginner, have some knowledge of Italian and would like to improve it or are looking for a business or advanced course, the English International School in Modica can provide the right tuition for you. And, using your Italian in real situations when you meet the helpful and friendly locals, you will soon feel confident!

For further information please contact:
The English International School looks forward to welcoming you to Modica.


  1. I sometimes wonder if it would be a richer experience to read Orlando Furioso in Italian. But can you ever really understand the nuances of an acuired tongue?

  2. Is this the school where you teach? It sounds like it would be quite an adventure and something I'd love to do - some day.

  3. Hi, Crushed. Yes, it is possible but you have to have studied the language deeply in order to do it.
    Ciao, Leslie. Yes, it is and I am happy to say that they are now sponsoring my blog. I'm sure it would be a great adventure!

  4. I thought it was only English and Spanish that they taught there. I did not know you could learn Italian too. Do they actually have students or is it just that they could make arrangements.

  5. Sounds glorious - and chocolate too!

  6. Anonymous12:20 pm

    I shall book a course as soon as I have the money!! Ciao Bella!!

  7. Hi, jmb. Yes, we already have students learning Italian at the school. We can arrange individual or small-group tuition at whatever time of year you prefer. You'd love it! You'd adore it too, WW! Can't wait to see you here, Mutley!

  8. This reminds me about our new England football coach, I wonder how his English is coming along.

    Well done for getting the language school to sponsor your blog. For transparency, you need to make that arrangement visible. I always show on my site if I am writing a post for a blog client, otherwise people might criticise me.

    Good luck, I know you are a great teacher and a great credit to them and they are lucky to have someone with your experience and style.

  9. Hi, Ellee. I'd like to know that, too. I take your point but it is clear from the sidebar that the school is a sponsor. Thank you for your kind words.

  10. Yes, that's good, how could I have missed it. I wish I could find a sponsor, well done.

  11. Hi, Ellee. It happened by accident: I referred some students to a post here about Modican chocolate, as they were looking for some adjectives to describe it. My boss read it too and made the sponsorship offer!

  12. Gee, that would be a dream.zcmlsh

  13. And one day you will, James.

  14. Hi,

    I wasn't sure if you got my message. I would love to visit Sicily someday. My grandmother was from Palermo. I am currently hosting a huge family reunion in upstate NY for my capone relatives and need to see if I can get someone to send me some postcards from Sicily-I would be willing to pay for them. Please let me know if this is possible. With much thanks-Lisa Anderson

  15. Hi, Lisa and thank you for the visit. I didn't get any previous message from you. Given time constaints and the unreliable postal service, I think it would be best if I sent pics of sicily as email attachments. Let me know:

  16. Hello, I am attempting to contact the school but the email address does not seem to allow any emails through. Do youhave a telephone number perhaps one could use, or a seperate email address?

    With kind regards


  17. Hi, J M. Thank you foir contacting me. It does seem that some emails are not getting through so the school now has a new email address:
