
Saturday, January 12, 2008


It is very stormy over Sicily tonight and this kind of weather does not "blow over" quickly, as in the UK: I have known it to continue relentlessly for three whole days and just the volume of the thunderclaps is enough to frighten you to death [or me, at any rate]. Here are Simi's reactions:
1. "A girl can eat her way through this."
2. "This is getting nasty. Better line up my weapons."
3. "Time to shake my toys at this naughty weather!"

I have decided that Simi would make a much better Italian housewife than her Mum as she cannot stand it if any item of furniture, ornament or cushion is out of place. This morning she barked like crazy in the bedroom and what was my "crime"? - I had left a drawer open! By the way, it is no accident that here "Everything all right?" is rendered by, "Tutto a posto?" ["Everything in place?"] If you are not me and are a really tidy person, you might reply, "A postissimo".


  1. Good thing you have Simi to keep you company and keep you tidy! ;D

  2. Oooh I love a big storm, not fussy on fork lightening though.
    Simi seems still very much a pup doggy, with all her play things and what a tidy girl she is.
    Chloe says hello to Simi and she`s so fed up with the nasty weather she`s just dashing upstairs to get a good spot on the bed before the parents retire.
    Bon nuit. purr purr'

    You sound so cheery Welshcakes that I`m envious, the weather is horrid here.

  3. Hi, Leslie. Simi says she totally agrees! Ciao, Trubes. Simi says "Hi" to Chloe and she agrees - you have to get your spot on the bed first! Actually this weather scares me wherever I am, Trubes - I am such a wimp! xx

  4. Hoping the weather subsides, and doesn't scare you too much. Would of thought you were a tidy person..good Simi x

  5. We've had one bad storm & fireworks, Chelsea likes neither..My daughter is also scared of lightening so it becomes 3 in the bed, with the curtains open so we can all watch safely...

    i love Simi sense of tidy...its amazing how small dogs like things in place and will let you know when they are not...

    beautiful post Welshcakes...ta

  6. Under the bed would be my spot of choice - if wasn't for all my dust bunnies, however. They were there first. :-)

  7. Simi is so cute; a real girl. Would you ever think of a playmate for her when you are out teaching? A puppy for her to mother.
    I love the idea of being cosy in bed listening to a storm. But one strong gust of wind and I am under the bedclothes.
    When I look at Simi in photographs I almost want to draw in a little tiara, she is a princess.

  8. Tidy is not one of my strong points. If I tidy too much I forget where I've put things.

    Three days is a long time. I didn't realise sorms COULD go on that long. as you say, an hour or so is about the limit here.

  9. Hi, Anne. Well, it did subside last night sp we got some sleep! I'm tidy with my books, CDs and ornaments but not in general and my dressing table is like a bombsite! Thanks, Abbey. Simi doesn't mind fireworks as she thinks they are especially for her to bark at but she resents thunder! Yes, funny, that, about little dogs... We love Chelsea's blog, btw. Hi, flutterby. I can't go under the bed for the same reason! Ciao,marymary. No, I don't think so. She likes being the only one. When she first came to me I still had my other dog , Gil Blas, and when he died I was worried she would grieve and I spoke to the vet, who advised me to wait and see. He said I might find she would enjoy being the only centre of attention and he was certainly right! And I'm not out for very long spells at one time. Simi says she is VERY taken with the idea of a tiara! Hi, Crushed. I'm terrible at losing glasses and keys! Yes, the storms can really go on here.

  10. I thought I had commented here last night when I read it. Obviously not. That kind of weather would not have suited my dog before Cleo, who was petrified of storms. Kanga, a miniature schnauzer and we had Tigger before that. Cleo came to us already named so we could not continue the Winnie the Pooh tradition.
    Take care, it will be over soon.

  11. Thanks, jmb. I have double-checked and cannot find a comment from you that came through last night . I like the "winnie" name theme but Cleo is a lovely name, too. You must miss her x

  12. I hope Simi gives you a hand with the tidying.

  13. Hi, WW. Simi's idea of tidying is to drop her toys in the bath - usually when I'm in it!

  14. Anonymous9:31 pm

    This is the first time I've seen close up photos of Simi - she is gorgeous. But then why wouldn't she be? A pampered pooch who is loyal to her mum.

    Raging storms are not my fave weather either. I cannot watch the sky, have to stay firmly indoors behind the blinds and wait for it to go away - 3 days! Ouch.

  15. Hi, Shirl. Simi is very pleased to have a new "Auntie" and one who thinks she is gorgeous - which she is, of course! Yes, I just want to get under the duvet during those storms - with Simi, of course!

  16. I'd go with Simi's first advice and eat my way through it.

  17. Simi says, "Quite right , Auntie Liz. Kissies to George".

  18. Brave Simi! Mine would be very upset, and the cats would be demented!

  19. Hi, Dragonstar. Simi sends love to yours and cats! [She doesn't usually like cats, you understand, but thinks as they are yours they must be nice cats!]
