
Sunday, January 06, 2008


"The ultimate comfort food", says Nigella of mashed potatoes and I couldn't agree more. Most Italian sausages are, however , too strongly flavoured for me [though I am a lover of spiced food]. However, this fennel and red wine type is fine, and last night [in need of comfort] I cooked this simply in the oven, with bay leaves, onion and in more red wine that had been brought to the boil first, as suggested in my new Cucina del Sole cookbook. No, I didn't eat all that lot on my own!

There are few activities more pleasurable to me than cooking my way through a new tome!


  1. Looks very tasty WL...I love Italian sausages, they sound delicious. Especially with the wine!!!

  2. When you first mentioned this new cookbook, I thought it was cooking with sole (fish) but now I'm thinking it's about cooking for one? Am I right? That looks SO good, but I'm afraid I'd end up with heartburn. I'd sample but not have a whole meal of it, much as I'd LOVE to.

  3. This would have been great for the delicious theme in Photo Hunt yesterday.
    That is a very large sausage.

  4. I read about an instant hand mask today. Mashed potatoes with milk. Leave on for ten minutes and wash off. I had some mash left over at dinner ( appetite not good). My husband thought I had gone mad when I spread it on the back of my hands. I normally would not do something like this at the dinner table,I wanted to see his reaction. My mash had butter in it but I think that added more moisture. It works very well. Are you pleased with your new cookery book?

  5. Thanks, anne. The wine helps! Ciao, Leslie. No, it means "the Cookery of the Sun". You're always very welcome to have a sample! Ciao, jmb. Yes, it is. That is how they are sold here, apart from the chicken sausages you sometimes find and imported Wurstel. Hi, MM> Now I must try that! What a brill idea! I'd love to have seen hubby's face, though ... Yes, love new cookbook. I work on the principle that if 1 recipe works well, then they all will!

  6. Happy 2008 *!* .... can't go wrong with a bowl of mashed potatoes or roast potatoes

  7. Looks delicious. I bet those sausages would be good in a cassoulet. I made the strawberry and pistachio cake from Ursula's Italian pudding book which you recommended and it worked quite well so thank you for that. I was given Nigella's Fast Food for Christmas and am going to try her tuna steaks with black beans this week.

  8. Lovely bangers and mash on Christmas day. Merry Christmas to you and all around you, Welshcakes.

  9. Happy 2008 to you, too, bimbimbie! Hi, WW. Glad that one worked. I can't eat fish but the black beans sound a great idea. Merry Xmas, James. Extending Xmas by one day here in your honour!

  10. They look fantastic!


  11. I think you have to use your imagination with this and not compare it to British bangers and mash instead of an intestine!
    But I'm sure it will taste delicious.

  12. Who sang that song that went - givvus the bangers and mash me mother used to make"?

  13. Anonymous11:35 pm

    WCL -

    Funnily enough, as a child I hated potatoes in any form (and Lord knows we had them in just about any form imaginable). But as an adult I've come to adore them. I just love that taste. My personal fave is smashed potatoes - mashed, but still quite lumpy.

    I noticed you tagged this post with the tag "salsiccia". In the States there is a sausage called, somewhat generically, "Italian sausage". It's fairly coarsely ground pork with a large amount of fennel. There's only one butcher in Britain at which I've been able to find something similar. They're famous (in the States) with caramelised onions and peppers in a sandwich.

  14. Thanks, Gleds. Ellee, they don't look much different to a Cumberland sausage to me! But come over and try! Thanks for reminding me of that, jj - Peter Sellers and Sophia Loren - I remember it well, which shows how old I am! Ciao, Ludlintonian. I'd truly like to taste that sandwich!

  15. I so love a new cookbook and so love mashed potatoes...If ever I was in hospital as a child, others would ask for jelly and icecream...i would ask for a bowl of mashed potatoes...I'll check the book..ta Welshcakes

  16. Hi, Abbey. There's nothing like mashed potato, is there?!

  17. Hello Welshcakes.

    That is my kind of food. Yum. We have many Italian influences on the restaurants and providers here in Adelaide. Lucky.

    Happy New Year.

  18. Hi, CC. And a Happy New Year to you, too. I'd love to come and try out the varied food you have in Oz some time.

  19. Ciao un saluto al volo da Modica...buon lavoro la salsiccia!!

    - Moticanus
    - LaProvDiRagusaInBlog

  20. Ciao, Moticanus e viva il cibo siciliano! Buon anno!
