
Sunday, December 23, 2007


Well, I know we aren't quite, but we will be, by the time my colour has had its first shampoo tomorrow.

I never did buy the flimsy-handled bag I fancied a few weeks ago, but could not resist this sequinned number yesterday. The trouble is, I got it home and realised that I did not have a single pair of shoes that would "do" with it. So today ....

We are doing rather well for panettone, as Gina and family turned up earlier bearing this strawberry-flavoured one. [I do like this year's pretty tins.] All are gratefully received and I think we'll be having griddled slices with quince preserve for breakfast for quite some time! Italians, when they enter the flat, amuse me as always, asking the usual question at this season: "Are all your cards from this year?!"


  1. Oh, I understand something quite different that you don't want to know about by "women's problems", DD!

  2. Italian shoes are by far the best... we knew this in the early 80s before it all went Gucci Gucci Gucci (!!!)

  3. If I didn't wish you this before (gettin' confused in me old age):~

    Have a Very Merry One
    and a Fantabulous 2008!

  4. Oh those shoes are to die for, I understand exactly what you meant

  5. Thank you for the photo. Two lovely girls, you must turn heads when you go for a walk.
    Now those are some seriously great looking shoes and handbag. Of course you had to get them for your Christmas social life.

    Have you acquired the sweets for breakfast habit, Italian style?

  6. There's nothing like Italian shoes, boots, and handbags! I brought purses for my daughters last year and boots for me. Love Love Love them all. Lucky you!

    Buon Natale, P!

  7. I think you will be the smartest blonde in Sicily this Christmas. Have a wonderful time.

  8. Of course you have to matching shoes!!!

    Love the pretty Panettone tin, how pretty.

    Buon Natale WL and Simi xx

  9. Of course you have to have matching shoes!!!!!

    Love the Panettone tin, how pretty.

    Buon Natale

  10. Two very prettty ladies indeed !
    Merry Christmas, again.


  11. Hi, gleds. Agree! I hope you have a great Xmas too and a much, much better 2008 for you deserve some good luck and happiness. Say "Ciao" to the hammies for me! xx Hi, Abbey. Glad you like them. Buon Natale xx Jmb, I am flattered! Thank you. No, not sweets for brekie - but am partial to the cotognata. xx Hi again, Leslie. Yes, I think the Itals have it on style! I gotta be a good girl financially now, though! Have the best Xmas you can , dear friend xx Ciao, Ellee. I think I've a fair bit of competition there but a girl does her best! Auguri xx Ciao, Anne. Yes, the tins are so pretty . Auguri to you and yours, too xxx Ciao, DD> I'm sure you do! I bet your Mum was mad that time - I can just imagine it! But a lady can never have too many shoes. Buon Natale xx Ciao, True Blue. Hope you have a wonderful time xxx

  12. Oh what a furry Entertainer I can't wait for this year's Xmas Simi

  13. Hey look at my old portrait it shows a tiny roborovski looking nervous in a giant hand!

  14. "I'll tell mummy, Uncle Gleds. We'll have a look!"
