
Friday, December 07, 2007


It has been a beautiful sunny day, I am in the "land of lands" and on the territory of the Gattopardo. What is more, this morning I got me a job! I'm fed up with the insecurity of doing "a bit here, a bit there" and have now been offered a significant number of teaching hours in the same language school. The school's proprietors called me on Wednesday, out of the blue, and I went to see them yesterday, coming back with the impression that I'd be offered some work, but I didn't know how much: I also thought it would be after Christmas. However, they called me again last night and asked if I would go in this morning to discuss a timetable so of course I did. I was greeted with , "Hello, this is your timetable and this is your office". "An office?!" I exclaimed [after I got up off the floor] and we all had a good giggle. "And you start on Monday", they added. They have all sorts of students, of all ages, abilities and levels, with varying types of problems with English. I will sort them out.

I do hope this will be a turning point as I've been very low about work lately and things have become a little hairy financially: it's my own fault that I haven't pushed my CV around before now but I had a position of considerable responsibility in secondary teaching at a young age in Britain and I've had enough of "selling" my skills. There is also a lot of my gambling father in me: I don't gamble with money but I do take risks in this life and never get off my butt till I have to. Once I do, though, watch out!

Please wish me luck, reader...

Two more trivial events to report today:

The water lorry arrived at 5pm. "I came at midday and you were out!" cried the driver accusingly. Now, as he can turn up at any time between 6.30 am and 10 pm I wouldn't have much of a life if I waited in, would I? "And there was nobody else in!" he continued. Hardly my fault, either, but pazienza... I just signed the form and wished him the compliments of the season.
I have cleared my ironing pile! - Well, not personally. I looked at it on Wednesday and thought, "To hell with it" but, with no Virgil to guide me, took it to the dry cleaner's instead. I collected it tonight and it's all so beautifully done that I don't recognise half my garments. "If it's too heavy for you to carry back I'll bring it round when we close", offered the shop owner kindly. I managed but I do appreciate this aspect of Sicilian service. I promise I won't let it get that bad again....


  1. Good luck!

    I've also tagged you with a meme! :p

  2. Complimenti Welshcakes. Splendid news indeed. You must be over the moon with excitement. You definitely will be sorting them out, I'm sure. In bocca al lupo!

    That's the trouble with cotton, you have to iron it. I used to iron while watching TV but I don't seem to watch much TV lately. Ah well, a new start for you now.


  3. Congratulations! Will you work everyday? The students do not know yet how fortunate they are; they soon will.

  4. Congratulations! This will be an exciting new venture for you! If only I could speak French, Spanish, or Italian well enough to up and leave here for such a job. You'll get to meet lots of interesting people and pull in a regular income. I sure hope it doesn't keep you from posting regularly. You'll surely have lots more stories to tell us now! :D

  5. Well done WL..a new start for the new year. Wishing you all the best in your new job. x x

  6. Just looking in on you from Gleds and saying hello and good luck at the school, sounds like you are needed*!*

  7. Once upon a time there was a writer trying to earn some lira as language teacher in Triest;
    I am - sorry for the coming aprosdokedon - bloody sure you, "Lady Limoncello", will not ("need" to) write begging letters to her brother or and/or anybody else. :)

    Hm, as the words above might seem silly, I shall try it in another way: Good luck, Welsh.

  8. Thank you, Beaman. Will come over to look at meme tomorrow. Thank you, too, jmb. I hate cotton - I hate linen - I hate anything that needs ironing! Hi, MM. Yes, every day but different hours each day. Thanks for your good wishes. Many thanks, Leslie. Nothing will syop me posting , though of course I would never huniliate a student online or betray a confidence of the school. Grazie, Anne. Bimbimbie, how lovely to meet you and thank you. Sean, your words never sound silly. They are appreciated here in any language. Merci.

  9. How wonderful Welshcakes! Sounds like the New Year will be exciting!

    Cotton and linen look good new and only on a hanger. I seem to buying more spandex lately ;o

  10. I am absolutely thrilled about your new job offer. I know you will look extremely smart, with wonderful hair and fabulous shoes.

    Enjoy your weekend, who knows what other surprises lie around th corner.

  11. Hi Hunny... sorry I haven't been around, I can see from the blogs I have missed quite a bit of your world...

    I wouldn't have waited in either !!

    Good luck on the teaching post...

  12. Good luck in your new job, and in everything you do.

  13. Yes, the job is a wonderful thing to keep the wolf from the door bt clearing the ironing is something I can only dream of. Good luck!

  14. Thank you, pink. Agree re cotton and linen. Sorry about that, jj. Actually horrible, cold and rainy here today. Thank you, Ellee - I will try! Hi, Shani and Dragonstar. Thank you both for your good wishes. Much appreciated. Won't one of your "ladies" do your ironing?

  15. The question about one of his ladies doing his ironing in my last reply was, of course, for James. Thanks for your good wishes too, James. x

  16. Great news about the job.... great way to start the new year... hope you enjoy it all

  17. I have missed such a lot! I am on catch-up now. A job?! And an office. My, what a new adventure.

  18. Thanks, Sally. Hi, Liz. Yes, a shock to the system really!

  19. Many belated congratulations, WL. I hope you're enjoying it.

  20. Thanks, WW. Much appreciated.
