
Saturday, December 15, 2007


Our wonderful local salumeria is decked out and stocked up for Christmas.


  1. Ooo...all that food! I must stop coming by here as it just gets my stomache all wanting wanting wanting! Oh, alright, I'll keep visiting. Everything looks SO delish and delightful, especially at this time of year. So glad your cousin had a great visit and you got to show him off to your local friends. And that Simi took to him, too! So, what will you do for Christmas dinner?

  2. Where is everybody? You must have taken these photos just as he opened or reopened after the long lunch.
    Everything looks delicious and just waiting to be consumed by the appreciative Italian gourmands.

  3. I like the look of those whole hams and the Italian sausages.

  4. Please don't stop visiting, Leslie! I'll be with friends on Xmas Day and Evening - the main celebration is the 24th here. Cousin went away contented with new food discoveries and Simi was so happy to have a new "uncle"! I was lucky, jmb - I hit the shop between bread deliveries today! Hi, MM. Those are what I like best, too.

  5. lol thats a meat-astical amount of meat! tasty tasty tasty!

  6. I simply cannot resist coming by, especially after seeing that photo of the cheeses! There is something about Italian cheese, especially parmessan that I love love love.

  7. The olives look good to me....

  8. Yum Yum Yummy Welshcakes. All that food looks soooh deliceux, I`m drooling !
    BTW: What has happened to Shirl (HHH), I don`t quite understand the Afghanistan connection, Is this this a "Red Herring"? I`m intrigued !
    BTW 2 : At the request of "Reluctant Blogger" I`ve written a little "Pantomimette", on the comments section of "Take the Highroad" story on my blog, hope you like it !
    Di xx

  9. I can see you're right into this, Welshcakes.

  10. All that delicious food. My mouth is watering!

  11. Now you don't really get shops like that here anymore.

    The Xmas selection at Morrisons is about as exciting as we get.

  12. Glad you like it, Jay-Cam. Hi, Leslie. I love parmesan too - and pecorino, especially the spiced variety. Hi, Sally. Yes, he has a good variety there. Ciao, True Blue. Shirl has decided to take a break for health reasons, I believe. I do wish her all the best. Over to yours shortly. Into what, Jamesie? Hi, jams - glad you like it! Ciao, Crushed. I've only been to a Morrison's once - when I was in the UK in Oct - but I was quite impressed by it.

  13. What's that green stuff in the second photo down?

  14. I have that same tree. I hang key chains on it to give to folks who stop in during the holidays.

    How are the prices down there??


  15. It all looks great. I unfortunately am stuck with Sainsburys...nothing very inspiring, it fact very off putting. You would think the shops are closing for quite a while.

  16. JJ, the green stuff in the first photo is pesto - there are various kinds from different towns - but if you mean the cheese in the second photo, that's just the lighting - it's not green! Hi, Sharon. That's a nice idea you have for the tree, I find food prices not too bad, although buying from Mr T costs more than the supermarket. I have noticed that prices for services are creeping up. Hi, anne. We don't get the "panic buying" at Xmas here.

  17. NADOLIG LLAWEN PATRICIA not that you hear a lot of that in Riverside !!
    Can you believe I have been locked out of and lost all my contacts.(disgusted of Cardiff)!! my new email is could you please contact me. Have a Blessed Christmas. Good Health and lots of magic moments to you in 2008

  18. Tales from Wales, I assumed your comment was not for publication but I cannot get an email through to you. It keeps coming back. Merry Xmas to all at Riverside.
