
Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I am determined to get my Christmas cards written before I go to work this afternoon. Whether I'll get them sent off is another matter, depending on how long the queue is at the Post Office. It was snaking out of the door this morning.

Italians, as I have mentioned before, do not normally send cards to people they are likely to see every day or during the festivities. They prefer to telephone their greetings. So when they come into my house, they ask, "Are all these cards from this year?" [As if I would keep last year's!] Then I explain to them, as I have been explaining to some private students of mine this week, that the "Christmas card list" is important to British people and that we cross off those who have offended us in some way during the year and those who did not send a card last Christmas. When I tell them that we even send cards to colleagues and neighbours whom we don't like, they roar with laughter and exclaim, "Quanto siete pazzi! - You're all mad!"


  1. I find the sending of cards to those people you see everyday a little ridiculous so I just make sure I greet them but no card. I am quite probably considered eccentric but I will never know as you never tell a person they are crazy. Do you?

  2. doing my Christmas cards is one of my jobs for today as well....

  3. I really enjoy the tradition of Christmas cards but only send a few now. Most people don't seem to follow the tradition anymore - I think because of the cost of postage.

  4. Ciao, kissa. I don't know - people are always telling me I'm mad! Hi,Sally. I quite enjoy doing them once I get around to it. Do you? Hi, Leslie. Yes, I think postage costs are a lot to do with it though in Britain we have the Scouts delivering them locally and that is much cheaper.

  5. I shall be writing mine soon, and you will be on my list. I hope you are enjoying your job.

  6. I don't generally send them, for much the same reason, by the sound of it, the Italians don't.

    I always ring everyone in my phone menu Xmas day, though, just to say Hi.

  7. I posted our Christmas cards yesterday; I am sure there is someone I have forgotten. I hate to admit it but I do find it a bit of a chore.

  8. this is definitely a chore for Mrs Slicker. if men ruled the world there would be no Christmas cards...

  9. Oh Welshcakes, I am very bad this year and have only sent two so far. But the cards are out, have been for days. I best follow your example else they'll be New Year's cards.

  10. Oh boy....I guess I'd better get a move on as my cards have been sitting on my coffee table staring at me for over a week. I'm such a procrastinator.

  11. I'm dedicated to writing NO cards this year. Pity, because I have some nice ones.

  12. Anonymous2:18 pm

    I don't think I shall send more than a few Christmas cards this year... mostly to relatives I shan't see and who are old and appreciate that sort of stuff.

  13. Yesterday, I actually went out and bought my 2 daughters, son-in-law, and grandson a special Christmas card each. I saw them in a specialty store and they were so beautiful and said just the right thing - what is so hard for me to say to them directly. So, I got them and sat down to address them and will pop them in the mail today.

  14. I don't think I will get round to it until the weekend now, too many distractions.

  15. I want to finish writing mine tonight too. I have again had my mystery card from Tom & Jane, that's three years running. I wonder who they are.

  16. Hiya...just popped over to let you know I posted a little Christmas quiz. Come on over and try it! Have a great day! :D

  17. There was a thing on radio 4 only this very morning about the "nightmare" of having to send Xmas cards in massive quantities and how people of a certain class (ie the lower classes I think the implication was!!) will judge your greetings by the flimsiness of the card you send them on and so punish you with a less glittery one next year!!

    Hmmm... some years I send out loads of cards, others practically none.

    I'm sure one year I sent the spare one to the Queen. You'd think I'd remember that clearly but I can't...


  18. When I was younger, I would occasionally skip a year to find out who my friends really were the year after!

    We'll be sending more this year to plug my big party.

  19. My cards are all done. I find them a useful way to remind people that I haven't gone mad, been run over by a bus, trampled by buffalos or abducted by aliens during the previous year...

  20. Thanks, ellee. You're on my list, too. Early days with job but so far, so good. You'll soon be an honorary Italian, Crushed! Ciao, MM. I think of it as a chore till I start and then it's OK. C/U, good point there! Well, jmb , at least they're out! I've bought them and lost them before now. Pink, I'm the last of the procrastinators! It's when you have to send them abroad that you have to write them earlier - especially when you have the Ital PO to deal with! Hi, James. I'm sure you have a good reason. Is it to do with what you have on the top left of your side-bar? Hi, Mutley. Yes, the elderly do appreciate the cards. Well done, Leslie! I do know what you are going through at this time of year and exactly what you mean here. Hi, Ellee - I'm distracted myself today! Ciao, Liz. For years after my Mum died I'd get a card addressed to her from someone I didn't know and whose address was not in her book. I could never work it out as we weren't living togather at the time of her death. Finally I found out it was someone she'd worked with years before and I contacted them. But those cards really used to upset me. Will be over asap, Leslie. Thank you. Hi, Gleds. I think the psychology of sending, or not sending, Xmas cards, is fascinating. Hope Her Maj was suitably impressed! Ciao, Shades. What a good idea! Wish I could get to your party! Hi, jams. You are efficient!

  21. I think the Italians have the right idea. Dare I say the old cliché of 'Christmas is too commercialised'. A phone call seems much more appropriate or at least handmade cards.

  22. Yes, I think they have a point, Beaman, but I still like getting cards. Auguri to you, too, Gleds.
