
Thursday, November 15, 2007


I am always on the lookout for new antipasto ideas: if you are entertaining on your own and are therefore cook, hostess and bartender, your guests will forgive you your many dashes into the kitchen if they have a variety of dishes to nibble at, I find.

This morning I found a caper pâté and thought it looked interesting, but couldn't quite work out how to use it. However, with my lunchtime g & t came inspiration, as always, and I decided to use it to fill cherry tomatoes: to do this you need cherry tomatoes which are not too small and some pazienza. Put on a nice CD, sit down, then halve the tomatoes and scoop out the seeds and pulp from the centres. [You can use a teaspoon but I find it easier to use a very small knife.] Salt the cavities then put the tomatoes upside-down on kitchen paper to drain for about an hour. After that, rinse them well and put on fresh kitchen paper to dry - again, leave them about an hour. Now you can fill them with the pâté and garnish as you wish. [I just put pinenuts on the top, as you see.] Refrigerate till needed.

I have also filled cherry tomatoes prepared in this way with guacamole and with cream cheese which I have flavoured with chopped basil and lemon juice.


  1. What a great idea! I think I'll try that next time I have to bring an appetizer to a potluck. Very healthy yet unique.

  2. Simple but yummy. Great idea Welshcakes.

  3. The problem with "bites" is that one must keep munching, which does nothing for the waistline.

  4. Mmmmm yum, Im thinking Welshcakes with a little leaf of holly, these could go on the table for nibblys on christmas day! , for me that will be on a table under gum trees this year, casual with a little traditional...ta

  5. It makes me realise how unadventurous we are here in the UK, this sounds really scrummy.

  6. Glad you like the idea, jmb. Quite so, James. Hi, Abbey. I never thought of holly as a decoration but you are right. Xmas under gum tress? That's different.. Thanks, Ellee.
