
Friday, November 02, 2007


Yes, it's the black pair with the red heel detail on the right and the pretty matching bag. [Sorry about the quality of the photo: I was standing to the side of the window, on which the sun was shining, in order to avoid getting my own reflection in it. I probably looked rather furtive!] There is a lot of red and black around this season - very Paloma Picasso - and I am glad to see the return of black patent leather. Sigh! - I don't think even I could walk for long in heels of this height.

Metallic accessories are still in and, for the first time, I have seen gold daytime bags displayed in autumn. There are also still studs all over many bags. Personally I don't go for these as you only need one to fall off and you have an unuseable accessory. I also find that they don't go with the sort of jewellery I wear.

Plaids and checks are everywhere, especially on shoes and I am delighted to see fewer kitten heels [bloody nuisance things].

Some time ago I mentioned that it is virtually impossible to find an ordinary, serviceable shopping bag here. I think this is because everybody drives and so they don't need such an item. But in many shop windows at the moment you see bags labelled "Shopping" - and whilst they are, admittedly, large, they are expensive, elegant and would not last a moment if you were to attempt to stuff your food purchases from the market in them!


  1. So what do they actually use the bags for?
    Are they purely a fashion item?

  2. Red, my favourite colour. Shiny stuff is very popular here as the Chinese like it a lot and we have many Chinese residents.

    Longing for shoes again. Very tempting in Italy for sure.

  3. Is there such a thing as "too many shoes", "too many bags", Welshcakes?

  4. la Sicilia non รจ solo limoncello ma anche tanta ultura!
    buona fortuna

  5. Anonymous3:15 pm

    How wonderful - bit impractical surely though? Not much use for the beach... You should get hold of an Aldi re-useable bag, very large and nobody is interested to steal your stuff...

  6. Anonymous3:15 pm

    I think I posted a comment?

  7. Nice shoes! I don't know why but I'm one of those people who have shoes, must haves, then never wear them (esp. heels). Not too many fancy places up in Idaho where I'm at. I do like those shoes Welshcakes!

  8. Is there such a thing as too many shoes or bags. Never! Don't you agree Welsh?

  9. Hi, jmb. I didn't know you had a sizeable Chinese community there. Yes, a shoe girl like me finds much temptation in Italy! James, absolutely not! Ha ragione, photo-effe. La Sicilia ha una cultura che mi affascina sempre. Grazie per la visita. Ciao, Mutley. I'm not a very precatical female, really. You are right - that's what I should do! And, as see, you did! Hi, pink. If you love shoes, you have yet another reason to look forward to your visit here!

  10. Hi WC, I absolutely ADORE those shoes and you simply MUST get them. I'm sure you'll find an occasion to wear them, even if you have to wait until you go back to the UK. I bought a pair of loafers in Portofino last year - love them! And every time my Dad went to Spain, he'd come home with at least 2 pairs of shoes. I will make sure I have lots of room in my luggage to get more the next time I'm over there.

  11. Hi, Leslie. They are lovely, aren't they? Ital women dress up just to go down the road so they wouldn't be wasted! [See how you are tempting mr now?!] I'm not going back to the UK, though.

  12. All our shops are phasing out plastic so we have mountains of calico shopping bags...I could send you a few if that helps... :)

  13. I love the way they have matching shoes and bags, I always do this, but not to serve as a fashion accessory, a bag must fit in my phone and camera, as well as notebook and lipstick, purse and hairbrush.
    My mother was a beautiful dresser and always wore matching shoes and bag, so I take after her, it's the Greek touch.

  14. Hi, Ellee. I, too, have to have matching bag and shoes, but certain things must fit in the bag! - phone, camera, make-up, cards, purse, notebook and pen plus comb, keys. If it's a small evening bag I dispense with my purse and just carry a few notes, and just lippy and eye pencil for make-up retouches.

  15. Yes, gold is really in now! If you hit the streets of cairo, you will not find any other color (except silver ofcourse!)

    The shoes are gorgeous! They look pricey, how much are they?
    You can never have enough shoes and bags!

  16. Hi, Kizzie. All we ladies agree that you can never have enough shoes or bags. I didn't ask the price - will find out.
