
Thursday, November 29, 2007


The condominio's water supply ran out once more early this morning. "Oh, no!" I thought. "They'll all blame me again." But actually I had remembered to phone on Friday to request a refill and had been hoping that it would arrive yesterday. I decided I was going to have to call the comune office before lunchtime and beg them to come today, but at midday I was out with Simi and, from the far end of the main road, saw the water lorry turn into our side-street. I knew no one else was in at the condominio and the lorry obviously can't get in until someone opens the barrier across our courtyard, so Simi and I dashed back [she wasn't very impressed as she was in mid-poo and here was her mummy yelling, "Hurry up! Haven't got time now!" - I do pick it up, by the way, so there was that to be done too] but she entered into the spirit of the occasion once we got into our street: imagine, reader, the madwoman and her dog running up the street, me shouting "Signore! Aspetti! - Wait!" as the lorry prepared its escape and Simi barking joyfully. Anyway, we arrived at the barrier, opened it and forestalled the getaway so now we have water for another 10 days. The thing I hate most about these waterless mornings is the waste of perfume: I never go anywhere - indeed I never stay in - without drenching myself in Paris [a scent which lasts on me] and of course I'm straight into the shower once the water is back on. I resent that waste of the first spraying - do you think I could get perfume compensation payments from the comune?

Now, gentlemen look away for a moment: Girls, it is time to revisit the intimi shop! One of my Italian black number bras has given up the ghost- you know that moment when everything seems to be defying gravity to your satisfaction and all of a sudden - boyng....!! .. and there is part of the underwiring inelegantly protruding where your cleavage is meant to be? You push it back down but it boyngs again and you fear it will sock you in the eye before long. Well, that's what happened to me today so it's yet another trip to one of those stores tomorrow!


  1. I'm glad you got back in time to stop the water truck!

  2. This post actually made me smile, it really did.

    I wonder what Simi thought of it all...

    This water siuation is quite surreal.

  3. So am I, Liz! Hi, Crushed. Simi loves the arrival of the water lorry: if we're in it means an extra outing because we have to go down to sign for the delivery and if we're outside we might as well have a walk and anyway, the lorry is something noisy to bark at!

  4. I used to find it a tad embarrassing when those specialists would reach in and adjust the girls, but now I realise they're so very matter-of-fact about it that it's okay. I go to a specialty place and pay a fortune to be fitted, but what a difference it makes in appearance and comfort.

  5. You mean it socked you in the eye [in that section we were not meant to read]?

    Also, haven't I read this before in an earlier post?

    The condominio's water supply ran out once more early this morning. "Oh, no!" I thought. "They'll all blame me again."

  6. The water situation and the post office seem to be the low points in your Sicilian life but, with all that fabulous food, weather and cheery people, you have found a very good spot for yourself. If you moved flat, would the water problems be solved or is it the same everywhere?

  7. Good for you and Simi. If a water lorry arrived at my home early in the morning they would find me,still asleep or most definitely in my pyjamas. Running before breakfast for me is a, no no. Running without taking my inhaler is a, no no. In fact running at all is a no no.

  8. Poor Simi, you are cruel to her sometimes Welshcakes.

    Do you get measured everytime you visit your lingerie shop? I had to indulge in a visit to M & S to replenish my stocks recently and discovered I had gone up a size!

  9. You wouldn't believe how many visits it took to how many shops finally to come home with fitting bras. Suppose it's my fault - I should have stayed fat!
    Your water situation sounds very difficult. At least, when we lived on the island, no-one expected a steady supply - but you're living in civilisation.
    There's an award for you on my blog.

  10. Hi, Leslie. I used to do that in Cardiff. What beats me, though, is how 2 different stores [in the UK] can conclude you are 2 different sizes - on the same day! LEslie and Ellee, I've never been measured in Italy - they pride themselves on "knowing" your size by looking at you! Some shoe shops are the same. Ellee, I would never, ever be cruel to Simi.
    She is my world.
    Only nearly, James! Do you mean the water bit? No, it ran out about 12 days ago and it ran out again yesterday. I am mortified that you think I would just repeat stuff from a previous post, without referencing it.
    Hi, WW. Yes, the water and the PO are the bugbears but otherwise I am happy. I can't afford to move, but it is the same in most areas of the town. In Modica Bassa, where there are a lot of tiny, old houses, people have water tanks on their rooves and they don't look like they hold a lot to me! I like living where I do as I can walk nearly everywhere.
    Hi, MM. Well, this was at middayu but once the lorry turned up at 06.50 and neither Simi nor I were happy girls! I use an inhaler too.
    Hi, dragonstar. Oh, I would believe it all right! Thank you. I will be over shortly.

  11. Drama indeed on the waterfront. Where exactly does the water come from? I thought the rivers in Sicily were very scarce and not exactly torrents. Do give us the full story. I'm glad that some people have tanks as they do in Australia. My sister-in-law has to be refilled about once in two years because normally they get just enough rain to get by, but they are very stingy with water. When we visit we are always given lots of instructions.

  12. I know you would never be cruel to Simi, just teasing.
