
Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Raffaele the hairdresser's salon is on the first floor of the via Sacro Cuore's palazzo di vetro or "glass building". As I entered this morning, I could hear the raised voices upstairs from the ground floor. When I walked into the salon, Raffaele was standing in the middle of it, gesticulating wildly and shouting, whilst his staff gesticulated back and spoke loudly at the same time. If you weren't used to Italians, you'd have thought they were all really angry but they were just having a discussion about the shortcomings of the salon's cleaner. All of a sudden Raffaele yelled, "I'll show you!" leapt onto a chair, ran his fingers over the top of a mirror and triumphantly displayed the dust on them. Now, he is a short man, so how he knew of the existence of this dust on the high mirror I cannot imagine, unless he was born with "dust antennae" like my friend Gina, who can spot a speck from three miles away.

I also know of a woman here who has managed to minimalise minimalism: she will have nothing in her house beyond the bare necessities in case the extra items should gather dust and at home she is never without a duster in her hand, springing into action to remove minute particles the second she espies them. This hardly makes for a relaxing visit should you pay her a call. I should invite her around, reader, for wouldn't she have the whale of a time among my 5700 + books and 912+ ornaments?!

When Raffaele finally turned to the matter of my hair, I breathed a sigh of relief - he is lovely but you do need your pazienza in the salon sometimes - and he fiddled with my locks for a few minutes, then used both dryer and brush to point at some other spot which the unfortunate cleaner had missed, thus beginning the informal "staff meeting" all over again, with other clients chiming in and tutting at the inadequate cleaning too. The fourth time this happened, he glanced at me and understood my cynical smile and he has probably guessed that I am telling you all about it now. I'm glad he doesn't come to my apartment to inspect my housework!

My hair is a little redder today.

If you want a really good laugh, do have a look at this on pinkacorn's site - it has made my day!


  1. So, Welshcakes the Redhead?

    Our flat is more Maximalist- clutter everywhere.

  2. I do the clutter thing too so naturally dust is a feature of my abode too and since I avoid housework as much as possible I don't often pass the finger test. Well if I'm having visitors yes, but if you drop by, welcome to the disarray.

    Good, funny post Welshcakes.

  3. welchcakes with "Romeos " like this you must be,"spoilt for choice " in Sicily. I do agree with you ,he only needs the smile.

  4. Ciao, Crushed. A maximalist - that's what I am, too! I don't know why, but every year in the run-up to Xmas I get this urge to be a redhead. I'm not quite there yet - more a reddidh blond at the mo but watch this space!
    Hi, jmb. Absolutely with you on housework! Thank you - I am not alone. Auguri.
    Ciao, MM. Trouble is, all the Romeos are half my age! auguri

  5. I can hardly wait to "see" your new hair colour - my daughter went from blonde to strawberry blonde last week and it actually looks quite cute on her.

    Clutter - I hate clutter but it finds me all the time! ;D

    Now then, what's wrong with a "toy boy"? How's Mr. Gorgeous these days? lol

    Oh, those Italians make me go weak in the knees....

  6. Hi, Leslie. I should have got Raff to take a photo. Haven't seen Mr G for a while - hmmm....

  7. What about your Adonis? Is he still loitering in the cafe?

  8. I think the video is just great.
    I thought at one stage a saw a doggy appear in the bottom left hand corner but I think it was the furry microphone!

  9. Anonymous3:58 pm

    Didn't the hairdressers cook anything at all? how disappointing! Still at leas you got your locks attended to ! ... ahem.

  10. God forbid you would have a carpet in your house. I live in a town with hotel decorated rooms or less. These rooms are disinfected daily.

    I don't live that way and you can imagine the eye opening stares when anyone local comes inside the first time. I love looking at my things better than I like cleaning house.I bet you get them as well.

  11. he knew of the existence of this dust on the high mirror I cannot imagine...

    That's awfully clever, Welshcakes.

  12. Hi, Mutley. Sory about that - most remiss of them. Ciao, James. Hi, Sharon. Oh, I know those looks well! I'd rather look at my possessions than clean them, too.

  13. Ah, you must have seen my new little friend from Zadar!

  14. Hi, eurodog. I didn't notice that - must watch again! Haven't seen him for a while, WW. Thanks, Deadbeat Dad. I will watch it.
    What sort of books does Helmut collect?

  15. Sorry, jj - don't understand.

  16. It's good to have a fickle nature from time to time instead of always taking ourselves so seriously.

  17. Hi, DD. I know how your friend felt - I did count my books for the shipping inventory and it drove me barmy. My housekeeping issue is finding room for new shelves all the time and I have to have my books in categories! I will follow your link in a mo. Hi, Ellee. Agree!
