
Saturday, November 24, 2007

Big Night (1996) - Risotto and Spaghetti?!

I just love this and I know exactly how the chef feels!


  1. Oh I love this - and yes he absolutely has my sympathy :-) Sad thing is that there ware real customers like that out there... sigh ....

  2. Reminds me of my brother putting ketchup on his spaghetti when he was little, errgh!

  3. Did you love the way she put out her cigarette before she started? Thank heaven those days are gone forever.

    I remember spaghetti served with chips when I first went to Britain.

  4. Culture shock...isn't that a younger Stanley Tucci before he lost his hair?

  5. I would too if it worked on my computer.

  6. Hi, mountaingirl. Yes, he has all my sympathy. Ciao, pink-urgh! Hi, jmb. I'm with you on cigarettes. Typical British, that - chips with everything. Hi, Leslie. It is, indeed. Thanks, eurodog. It's one of my favourite films so I just searched for it on youtube. Actually I was hoping to find a clip of the timballo dish in the film [see next post]. Sorry about that, James.

  7. Oh, my... this is a classic!

    I owned a restaurant in the US for a couple of years, and my chef was from Europe. One day, he brought over the video 'Big Night,' and did it ever hit home!

    Thanks for reminding me of this movie. I'll have to watch it again soon. :)

  8. Ciao, mental mosaic. Glad you like the film, too.
