
Saturday, November 17, 2007

7 x 8

I do memes if I haven’t done the particular one before, if I think I can make a decent post out of it and – yes – sometimes if I’m stuck for an idea. This one from Lady Mac made me think:

8 things I’m passionate about:
1. My dog
2. Italy
3. Books
4. Cooking
5. Language learning and teaching
6. Any form of bullying – in schools, at work, on the internet, anywhere – angers me.
7. I hate narrow-mindedness.
8. Unkindness is so unnecessary.

8 things to do before I die:
I’ve done the big one – I moved to Italy!
1. Publish a book
2. Buy a Sicilian villa on the proceeds
3. Visit Mendocino – because of that song by Kate & Anna McGarrigle [no room for it on list below]. Along with Carrickfergus, I think it expresses homesickness perfectly.
4. Fly long-haul first class but only if I can take ALL my make-up on board!
5. Meet James, Ellee, Lady Mac, Winchester Whisperer and jmb! [Be warned: I eventually manage to do most things I set out to do!]
6. Fall madly, irresponsibly in love one more time – with an uncomplicated, straight, solvent, single man. [Well, all right, I suppose he can be a bit complicated!]
7. So many more books to read!
8. So many more recipes to try!

8 things I say often:
1. All to my dog: “Good girl/Pretty girl//I’m only putting on lippy – it’s not time to go out/Simi day today” [on a day when I’m staying in].
2. A lot of unprintable Anglo-Saxon swearwords.
3. “Shit! I can’t see to find my glasses.”
4. “Pazienza” .
5. “Buona giornata /serata” [“Have a good day / evening”].
6. “He /she’s on his / her way out, then”, whenever a British Prime Minister gives a minister his “unreserved backing”.
7. “Con ghiaccio e limone, per favore” [“Ice & lemon, please”].
8. Cincin!

8 books I’ve read recently:
1. Hot Mettle – Brenda Dean
2. As a Dodo
3. Shakespeare’s Wife – Germaine Greer
4. Delizia! – John Dickie
5. The World According to Bertie – Alexander McCall Smith
6. Love in a Torn Land – Jean Sasson
7. Dear Olivia – Mary Contini
8. L’Amore molesto – Elena Ferrante

8 songs I could listen to over and over:
1. Va, Pensiero – Pavarotti or a Welsh male voice choir
2. Nella FantasiaKatherine Jenkins / Summer /Paul Potts
3. Sapore di Sale – Gino Paoli [every Italian’s favourite summer song]
4. À Quoi Ça Sert l’Amour?Edith Piaf & Theo Sarapo. In this song the young man asks the experienced, older woman what’s the use of love because he’s heard it brings only pain. She replies that it does bring pain but also much joy. “C’est triste et merveilleux – It’s sad but it’s wonderful”. I like to think that Sarapo really loved Piaf. I have no reason to believe that he didn’t.
5. Always on my Mind – Presley / Patrizio Buanne
6. Waltz Across Texas – Ernest Tubb. I just can’t sit still when I play this. It reminds me of my line-dancing days and Simi thinks I’ve gone mad!
7. Last Man in My Life – Shirley Bassey
8. The Prisoner’s Song – Brenda Lee
And my ringtone is Je ne regrette rien.

8 qualities I look for in a best friend:
1. Be trustworthy.
2. Be kind, above all else.
3. Understand it’s not always easy to be single.
4. Humour, humour, humour!
5. Don’t be narrow-minded .
6. Stay in touch – you don’t have to live in my pocket, but don’t let me make all the effort in the friendship. An email saying, “Sorry, I’m busy – speak next week / month” is nearly always possible .
7. Don’t call me when I’m listening to The Archers – unless, of course, you are in trouble, in which case you can call me any time of day or night.
8. Love my dog.

8 people I’m passing this on to:
Anyone who feels like doing it. [I don’t tag.]


  1. Needs to be solvent, eh? Well, that's me out.

  2. You give up too easily, James! Why you randy, all of a sudden?!

  3. Well, my goodness, I miss one day and then I find out you fell down. I know just how you felt at the moment - no one around and you're not sure if you're glad no one saw the inelegance or crying inside that no one is there to help you up. I had a terrible fall over 10 years ago and STILL suffer from the after effects. However, I'm so happy that when your friends heard about it, they did try to make you feel better.

    I enjoyed the music and your meme. I might just do that one some day as it's a bit different from others. And like you, I don't tag, just let anyone who wants to, do them.

    In your meme, I see we have many things in common. When I do mine, I'll have you read it so you can see why I enjoy coming over to visit.

    Caio :D

  4. Hi, Leslie. Yes, that's exactly how I felt! I'm sorry you had such a bad fall 10 years ago. I am lucky in my friends here, I know. Yes, I think that meme is a bit different - requires some thought. Looking forward to reading you when you do it! [Will read your lovely blog anyway, of course.] Auguri x

  5. Trustworthy and loyal are big with me.

  6. Anonymous1:15 am

    Excellent ideas all round - can't say I'm not jealous, I wish someone wanted to meet me....

  7. Well done Welshcakes, I haven't been able to face this one yet, but you did it brilliantly.
    Mind you I am often strapped for ideas so might pull it out soon.

  8. Hi again, well I did the meme and you're right, it does take some thought. Anyhoo, rather than bore everyone else here with it, how about you email me your email address and I'll send it to you that way. Just click on my email address at my blog site to reach me. That way it stays between us. After we connect, I'll remove my contact info from my blog site.

    By the way, I see I misspelled "ciao" on my previous post. Must have been a typo 'cuz I actually DO know how to spell it. lol

    Hope to hear from you.

  9. Hi, Sharon. Yes, very important. Mutley, dearest, we ALL want to meet you! Aren't I hourly expecting you to pull me out of the gutter? Thanks,jmb!

  10. fascinating list. I especially like your books and music list. I am looking forward to your visit!

  11. Hi, Leslie. I'm sure no one could be bored by your thoughts, but yes, I'll send you my email address. I look forward to reading your ideas on nthis meme. Didn't notice misspelling.
    James - ?

  12. Thank you, Lady M. Glad you like the lists and one of these days I hope to meet you.

  13. 'uncomplicated, straight, solvent, single man.'

    A myth, surely?

    Your list of qulalities in a friend are good ones, I think. But then again, who wants an unkind, untrustworthy friend who hates dogs?

  14. A myth in my experience, Crushed! True, no one wants an unkind, untrustworthy friend but the trouble is sometimes people pretend to be what they are not. A dog-hater would definitely be out for me!

  15. I love "Mendocino" by Kate and Anna McG. I did actually visit that beautiful town on the California coast just because of that song. It was worth it, of course. Plus, they make Red Seal Ale in Mendocino which is a great beer if one likes beer.

  16. Hello, Timothy. Thank you for visiting and commenting. Wow! - Someone who has been to Mendocino! I am going to get there some day!

  17. Welshcakes, I'm so touched, and yes, it will happen. We share the same values and I do understand your life and your aspirations, your challenges and disappointments, your worries and the pleasures in life that keep you going.

    Now how is your book coming on?

  18. WL - we must meet in 2008!

  19. Hi, Ellee. It will! Book - well, I want to publish one about Sicily - what it's really like. WW, we absolutely must!

  20. You're a good get going on that book! Then you can get that villa and the men will come knocking!

  21. Thanks, tooth fairy. I will get on to it!
