
Sunday, October 14, 2007


Please forgive my absence from your commenting sections but I am still full of 'flu and have asthma with it. I so rarely get a cold these days that I am really angry about it!

It has taken all my willpower to get the previous - admittedly long - post up tonight and I hope to be back on form by morning [or later in the morning!]

I also want to comment on all the wonderful guest articles that have been posted on my blog during my holiday.

Please bear with me.

Auguri a tutti.


  1. Is asthma a Welsh trait? My poor Welsh friend here was off for a month to Europe and got a cold with bad asthma and had to cancel the whole trip. A cruise and a bit get together with her sister.
    Take care of yourself.

  2. Hope your feeling better soon... :-)

  3. Hope you feel better soon, WL. It was very good to speak to you the other day. Maybe some hot limoncello and Beechams would do the trick?

  4. Oh dear, was it something you caught in the UK? I'm sure the Sicilians have the perfect remedy.

  5. Many thanks for your kind and thoughtful package which arrived yesterday and I found on my return from Bristol. What a wonderful and unexpected surprise, you are so very generous. I loved the calendar, looking at all those gorgeous pictures of Sicily. Who knows, maybe next year, wouldn't that be lovely, perhaps with my mother...

  6. Welcome home ,sorry you are not feeling well. Do they offer the flu vacination in sicily? I too have asthma; daily inhalers tablets etc, so have the injection every year. When in Florida this summer the warm humid weather made such a difference.
    It must be better for your health living in a warm climate. I am sure Simi was a very happy doggie. Take care welchcakes and get better soon.

  7. Hi, jmb. I don't think it's particularly a Welsh trait though it is on the increase in children in south Wales, I read. Thanks for your good wishes, Sally. Thanks, WW. Hot limoncello - what a good idea! I enjoyed speaking to you, too. Hi, Ellee. I don't think so. I didn't feel 100% when I left. Maybe the change of temp just brought it out. So glad the package arrived! I was worried it would take weeks, with the post strike. Yes, that would be wonderful! Thanks, MM. Yes, I get a free flu vac here because of my asthma. Must see about it. In general my asthma is much better here. Yes, Simi is very happy! Thank you.

  8. Poor luv. Get well soon. I need the hits!

  9. Thanks, JJ. I'll be over later!


    Go see this over on the CNN website. I thought of you right away! It will cheer you up, but I can't believe the guy TOOK the car!

    Feel better! That's an order.

  11. Thanks, Lady M. Orders being obeyed!

  12. Get well soon. We are just recovering from our sniffles.

  13. Thanks, AA. Sorry you've got the sniffles too!
