
Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Well, I've tried everything else in my efforts to get rid of this 'flu so at lunch time I made this red onion soup, which has worked for me before. The use of butter instead of oil indicates the northern Italian provenance of this recipe:

Red onion soup

4 oz unsalted butter
1.5 lbs red onions, sliced thinly
2 cloves pink garlic, finely chopped [not an authentic addition, but I felt I needed it]
0.75 pint good vegetable stock
chopped fresh herbs - thyme, rosemary, sage
coarse seasalt and freshly ground black pepper
2 slices hard, Italian bread per person

Melt the butter in a heavy pan and add the onions and garlic. You want them to sort of melt into the butter but not brown, so put the lid on and let them cook over a low heat for c. 15 minutes, stirring once. When the onions are soft, add the stock, herbs and seasoning, put the lid back on and simmer for another 15 mins. Towards the end of this time, toast the bread and butter it and put 2 slices in the bottom of each soup bowl. Pour the soup over and serve. Sprinkle with parmesan or not, as you prefer. These quantities will serve 2 generously.

My head already feels clearer!


  1. I'm not sure about the onions, I think it is probably the garlic that does the job. I think I am also in need of something similar having picked up a stinker of a cold on my U.S. trip last week - bloody unhealthy airplanes!

    I hope you feel better soon

  2. I think you recommended this before and I tried it then. I don't know if it helped but it tasted nice!

    Hope you're better soon x

  3. Hi, deejay. It probably is the garlic but I don't care if it does the trick! Sorry you've got the lurgy too. Hi, Liz. I just double-checked and I have not posted this recipe before. Thanks for your good wishes.

  4. Sounds delicious. I still recommend 2 Beechams powders with honey, lemon and whisky (or limoncello) before bed. Guaranteed to make to wake up with a spring in your step.

  5. Soup sounds delish and as i love onions this is one for me to try... good for Geoff aswell as hes a veggie...

  6. Thanks, WW. I can't take Beecham's because it contains aspirin and I'm asthmatic. I'll go for the honey and limoncello, though!

  7. I often cook onion soup for my family too, even if we are not ill. I shall save this recipe and try it out. Hope it tastes ok with Fenland onions.

  8. If the soup fails try:

    Two good measures of scotch whisky
    Juice of 1 lemon
    A generous teaspoon of local honey
    A pinch of cinnamon

    Warm the mixture (microwave about 45 sec, or red hot poker)
    Check it’s not too hot and then relax in armchair and sip it.

  9. Have you tried lemon and don't forget the cabbage - vitamin C is vital.

  10. Have you tried hot milk with whisky and honey?

    It really does work.

  11. I'm not sure if it will help but it sounds very tasty!

  12. Hi, Sally. Yes, do try it . You too, Ellee. Thanks, Phil A. I don't like whisky but shall find a substitute! Thanks, James. Lemon, yes but I can't stand cabbage! Ciao, Crushed. I'm allergic to milk, I'm afraid but thanks. Hello, jams - it always helps to receive a nice comment on my blog!

  13. I've never made onion soup before (& I was married to an Italian...laugh) so i will give it a go...the receipe sounds do-able, and one that ive usualy got the ingredients on hand....ta

  14. Hi, Gale. I like this recipe because it is unmessy!

  15. I think Phil has the best remedy. Even if it did not work (but I think it will), who would care???

  16. But everyone knows that chicken soup cures everything!
    Looks good WCLC. Still under the weather? Grrr.

  17. Have you ever tried Echinacea? It is better to take this flower remedy in the early stages or to prevent colds and flu. Try taking a course now welchcakes it will help.

  18. Hi, Sharon. You've got a point there! Hi, jmb. Still got the sniffles but head has stopped spinning. Thanks, MM. I will try that.

  19. I could do with some of this soup right now, I have cold sores in my mouth, am going to switch off soon and put my feet up.

  20. Sorry you've got it as well, Ellee. Are you taking a vit B supplement? Have a good rest tonight.

  21. I reckon you're just not having enough G&T's, Welsh. Get a few into you! ;)

  22. That must be the trouble, Lee!

  23. No, I didn't mean that you'd posted the recipe but that you recommended it to me and I'd made up my own!

    Hope you are much improved by the time you read this.

  24. Hi, Liz. Oh, good - you had me worried there! Still got the sniffles but feel better, thanks.

  25. Anonymous6:59 pm

    I am really glad this helped, Pat, and VERY admiring of your energy in cooking for yourself while poorly. I fail in those stakes, miserably.

  26. Ciao, Shirl. I do feel better if I cook!
