
Friday, September 14, 2007


Can you imagine Italians renouncing their lunch time plate of pasta? That is what 67% of them are reported to have done yesterday, in protest at the rising price of Italy's favourite food. I'm not quite sure how you can verify how many people have, and have not, eaten pasta in the privacy of their own homes but there were certainly demonstrations all over Italy. The price of wheat is said to have increased by 50% in a year and that of bread to have risen by a staggering 750% since 1985.

A simultaneous "coffee strike" was supported by 10% of Italians.


  1. From what I remember of Olivetti, it must be serious for an Italian to not eat Pasta. The coffee I can understand, that is a necessity rather than a luxury.

  2. Italians not eating pasta, it's like hawaiians not drinking coconut juice or americans not eating burgers
    This is a serious matter!

  3. Hi, Shades and Kizzie. Yes, very serious!

  4. I saw that on the news last night! Oh! Dear! We need to do similar here about all foodstuffs...the price of everything is going through the roof! ;)

  5. Well I guess that goes to show they cannot do without their coffee whereas pasta, well for today anyway.
    My SIL's family in the north only occasionally eat pasta for primo

  6. I remember eating pasta for dinner at least 5-6 times a week as kid. I still love it.

  7. Hi, Lee. It seems to be happening everywhere. Hi, jmb. I can't imagine most Itals doing without pasta for more than a day! Hi, pink. It's only ever eaten as a first course here.

  8. All for it. Staple foods should be kept low in price. That's one thing in an otherwise skyrocketing market over here which they do.

  9. Hi, James. Good to know that they do that over there.

  10. Somewhat ironically this came on the Tv news as we were eating a bowl of pasta with a sauce of tomatoes and garlic and onions - all from the garden. I was really rather glad we didn't have to renounce pasta!

  11. Hi, RH. That was a coincidence. I'm sure your pasta sauce was lovely, with those home-grown ingredients.
