
Sunday, September 30, 2007


I was invited to a "spur of the moment" lunch, which turned out to be a banquet, today. First there were aperitivi with olives, marinated cherry tomatoes and parma-ham-wrapped sticks of cheese at one friend's house, then we all decamped to her relatives' home to partake of:

homemade cannelloni filled with beef ragù, peas and ricotta
veal and pork cooked in tomato sauce, with contorni of peppers dressed in olive oil, peppers in agrodolce [oil and vinegar] and grilled, dressed aubergines
fresh fruit
various cakes
these gel made from grape must

Oh, and I took along the smoked mozzarella bread I made yesterday.


  1. Thanks for stopping by my place, we will be in Rome on the 16th and take the Carnival Freedom on a Med Cruise, one of our stops is Sicily....

  2. Just as well you're only going to be away for a week,'ll miss all that delicious food! :)

  3. That's quite the repast! Enjoy your trip! I shall be gone on a quick trip for the next two days, so I wont' see you before you go. Be safe and have fun.

  4. Thanks for visiting, sarge charlie. Hope you have a wonderful trip. Lee, you are probably right! Thanks, Lady M. you have a good time too.

  5. Looks delicious. It reminds me of an American friend I have who owns an Olive University in Umbria; he built it himself. He was always making things like this in Berlin. The Balsamic vinegars were heaven.

  6. More scrumptious food. Two days in a row. What a nice surprise, always the best kind of happenings and I'm sure they enjoyed the yummy bread.

  7. How delicious! I bet you'll miss Sicily when you come back here

  8. How I've missed your culinary postings while I have been away!

  9. I wish you could bring some of this over to the UK, it sounds so lovely. I wonder how you find the English food after being spoilt so much in Italy.

    Geoff and Sally are in Marrakech, btw, did you know? I recorded a Youtube of them yesterday, only there doesn't seem to be any volume, it is infuriating because you can hear it on the video. I'm just hopeless with this stuff.

  10. Hi, beaman. An olive university? Sounds wonderful and I bet the balsamic vinegars were heavenly. Hi, jmb. Yes, it was a lovely occasion and the bread went down well. When an Ital woman asks you for your recipe you know you did OK! I will, WW - but I'll be able to have BREAKFAST over there! Welcome back, deejay and than you kindly. Ellee, I will try. No, I didn't know where Sally was. I'm sure you're better than I am at these techie things!

  11. Anonymous5:57 am

    Aaahhhaa!! so delicious!! I wish i could have a bite of it! :P
