
Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Looking for a birthday present for a friend this morning, I reflected that I would never have the pazienza to work in an Italian shop. As I've mentioned before, the assistants will gift-wrap for you at no extra charge, and very pretty the packages usually are. I'm hopeless at gift-wrapping: I end up with sellotape stuck to the furniture, the edge of the scissors, my fingers, my clothes, the floor and even Simi [who usually literally sticks her nose into the paper for good measure]; sellotape everywhere, in fact, but on the package.

The trouble with buying presents is that I always see something that I just must have for myself as well and today I couldn't resist these charming shells, made into cruets and using buttons as the sprinklers. As if I need more cruets... The ones on the stand are what I put out when I'm entertaining and you may notice I've got red pepper, not black, in there. This is because many Sicilians believe black pepper to be bad for them. The green ones next to these are just functional, for when I'm cooking and don't want to use coarse seasalt and am using white pepper. The "cows" are to cheer me up and the cruets in the centre were a souvenir from Nevada. I bought the "prickly pear" set on one of my first visits to Sicily. I was going to collect cruets at one time, but I haven't the pazienza for that, either. And I'd need a new dresser to put them in!
Now I'm waiting for James to come over and berate me for buying something I don't need...


  1. Don't doubt it! James will be after you Saturday. I got my slashing today.
    I can see how those pretty cruets called to you, however collecting things does get out of hand. I don't even consciously collect but stuff is definitely out of hand at my house. I need to move!

  2. He's here but not to go after you [well not that way, anyway]. Had to laugh about the gift wrapping. I'll do it for both of us, if you like although I suspect you're really rather good at it and are being all coy.

    Big kisses to both you and JMB.

  3. I take issue! A woman never knows when you might need another set of salt and pepper shakers. What if there were an earthquake and all but one set fell in a cravasse? What if there was a flood and all were washed away? What if the housekeeper had sunstroke and threw away all the sets but one? Global warming could have all sorts of effects that would endanger your supply! No I say you never know when you might need an extra set, as a matter of fact I think you should stay on the lookout for another set!

  4. I need to go present buying this weekend.

    No idea what to get- I'm useless at this sort of thing.

  5. I know exactly what you mean WL...but they are lovely..I don;t collect anymore, mind you I have all my ceramics to find a home for since I started again..

  6. I'm a hopeless "gift-wrapper", too, don't feel too bad. I wouldn't have the patience to work in one of those stores, either, but I do admire those who are so adept with the paper and ribbon.

    I end up using my pepper and salt grinders every time I entertain. Can't get away from them even though I do have other cruets, not many...just a couple.

  7. They're very sweet! Why do Sicilians believe black pepper's bad?

  8. Hi, jmb. Yes, calling to me they were! I might take you up on that, James! I assure you I am rubbish at it.xx Lady M, you are so right! I'll go out and look for more right away! Ciao, Crushed. I'm sure you're not. Who do you have to buy for? We might be able to make some suggestions if you could tell us. Hi, Anne. Your ceramics are so pretty. Hi, Lee. Yes, I love the way they curl the ribbon, too. No idea why, WW. I've got several friends who think this and I've read it in several sources, too.

  9. The cows are TOO cute.

  10. Hi, Ruthie. They brighten my days!

  11. I brought myself some red peppercorns back from Crete! I'd never seen them before andthey're so pretty.

  12. Welcome back, Liz! Yes, red peppercorns are very pretty.
