
Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Gino the artist has moved all his portraits of friends and family into an outbuilding on his land and I was invited to go and see the display this afternoon. Imagine my surprise at being greeted by this new portrait of myself! It took me a while to realise he'd done it from a photo he took at my St David's Day festa - sorry about the green dragon, Ordovicius! The portraits look very good in this rustic setting. [I cannot show more here as I don't have the permission of the subjects.]

Gino's other work in progress is the cleaning and shelling of the almonds which have now fallen from his trees.

This kind of cane grows in Sicily and Sardinia and provided a pleasant background for a patio tea. It makes a lovely swishing sound in the wind.


  1. What a surprise, and a very lovely one...I think its brilliant.

  2. Anonymous11:04 pm

    It is well known that dragons are green before they ripen

  3. Not a good picy of you!

  4. Thanks, Anne. That's all right, then, Ordo!

  5. Not a good picy of you darling Welshcakes ! Have you had a look at my new blog site?

  6. Hi, true blue. Well, let's see what others think .... Just been over to your great new site and commented there. Well done!

  7. Lovely portrait WCLC. Very recognizable. Looks like a lot of work to get the almonds ready for eating and cooking, but worth it.

  8. How wonderful! I can imagine just how surprised you would have felt, Welsh. :) It is a very recognisable likeness of great to have someone do a painting of you, and to have it hung....I love the dragon in the background too...St. George would be proud! (My brother used to always call me a "dragon" lol)

  9. Welshcakes, I looked at the picture and knew instantly it was you. I would have liked to have seen you smiling though!

    I am now off to London to do some video editing, I hope I can understand it, then I can post some YouTubes and citizen journalist stories. There is a tube strike in London today, luckily I am not far from King's Cross station and can walk to my destination.

    We are having a lovely autumn here, very mild and I am desperate to do some long walks.

  10. Hi, jmb and Lee, Thanks. Yes, a lot of work in those almonds. I don't think I'd have the pazienza to do that many! The dragon's meant to be Welsh, only Welsh dragons are red. But as St George is the patron saint of England AND Modica, the green one's appropriate too!
    I AM sniling, Ellee! Hope you have a good day and manage to get around OK.

  11. he's captured something of you definitely, welshcakes; is it the mouth or the eyes? I can't decide.

  12. Welshcakes: Must apologise re- my comments about your picture, most rude of me, sorry, xx
    Don`t think you know about my on-going "bad back" problem? (slipped disc and osteo-arthritis) consequently I`m taking "all sorts" of medication to ease the pain ! To cheer me up Darling Trubes barbecued Welsh Pork Chops and Baked potatoes,a Roquetfort Salad with Pancetta, drizzled with Balsamic vinegar and topped with Garlic Croutons, delicieux !
    This, of course, was washed down with a bottle of Prosecco and several Brandies. Very naughty but nice !
    As you have a passion for food, which, I must say, "so do I", I thought I`d "share".
    Incidentally, I`ve discovered a new Butcher who sells only Welsh Meat, including Black Welsh Beef and Welsh Salt Marsh Lamb.
    My former Butcher sells Aberdeen Angus Beef and Orkney Isles Lamb.
    This ,I believed to be the finest British Meat, ever, until I sampled the Welsh Beef, Salt Marsh Lamb and Pork !
    I do feel a little guilty for abandoning my regular Butcher, however, "Needs Must". We first discovered the Welsh Beef on one of our several holidays in S.Wales and have been unable to obtain it locally, until recently. Cèst magnifique !
    A bientot xx

  13. Are you hanging your portrait up in your living room?

    The Red dragon comes from the dream of Vortigern where the red and white dragons (The British ans the Saxons) fight.

  14. Hi, Liz. I dunno, really.. Hi, TB: No offence taken at all. Don't worry. I'm sorry about your back pain but glad you have someone to cook you wonderful meals like that! I'd have washed it down with something similar! Thanks for sharing your food stories. I'm so hungry now! Amitiés.
    Hi, Crushed. No, it's still in Gino's "gallery". I didn't know that about the red dragon. Thank you.

  15. What a terrific surprise! I can almost here the swishing sounds....

    All the best always,

  16. Hi, M. You'd have loved the swising!

  17. Anonymous2:35 pm

    Definitely another piece of the jigsaw that would help me to recognise you on meeting!

  18. very, very cool indeed.

    a goal for the future?

    your portrait in marzipan.

    to steal from homer simpson: "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. portrait."

  19. Hi, FC. Now there's an idea!
