
Monday, September 17, 2007


I have solved the mystery of the cleaner's mop! He rang the bell again this morning and asked if I would open the barrier across our courtyard as well as the main door, so that he could get his van in. This I did from the balcony, and saw that there were two men in the van. I can't see the front door from the balcony, though, so could not get a look at what sort of mops they were unloading.

However, Simi barked like crazy when she heard the men on our landing, so I opened our door, making the excuse to the men that if she could see who was there she would stop barking. So I am now able to report that they have ordinary wet mops, just like mine, and the younger of the two men literally races up and down the stairs with one of them. They were a bit more thorough this morning, finishing the cleaning of the entrance hall, five landings and stairs in just under 11 minutes.

I am hourly expecting to be recruited to MI5, along with super-sleuth Simi!


  1. We've had loads of mops go missing from out bathroom.

    Our patronizing landlords ASSUME nobody but them is ever going to buy a mop for the place.

    NOT TRUE. I've bought at least 2, Laundretta's bought at least 1 or 2... yet Evilstein the landlord assumes they're all his to nick back!!

  2. Hi, Gleds. Shall I set Simi on Evilstein?!

  3. Bravo WL. Maybe you could persuade Don Giovanni to give your flat a one minute whizz as well? I'd love to meet you but shan't be coming to Sicily in the short-term, sadly. Let me know if you're coming to London.

  4. Hi, WW. I was wondering about that! I think I'll ask him next time. I will let you know if I come over.

  5. I mopped the kitchen floor recently.

    My flatmate came in and instead of saying 'How nice, you've mopped the floor', said 'Did you pour the washing up bowl on the floor again?'

    Well, maybe she was on the right lines...

  6. ROFL! You go, girl! Sppoks will snaffle you up in a flash! ;)

  7. So if the young one does the mopping what does the older one do? Supervise? They certainly are supermoppers to do it so fast.
    You'd be a big star on MI-5, the TV show, you and Miss Simi.

  8. Hi, Crushed. The Ital women would love you! Lee, I don't understand. jmb, I don't know that show. I'll look it up. I meant MI5, the Brit secret service. As far as I can make out the young man mops while the older one mostly sweeps.

  9. Oh, I see what you mean now. Sorry.

  10. I shall call you "W."

    If James Bond tries to make a move, remember: he's probably got an STD. The man gets around.

  11. Hi, Ruthie. I'll remember that!
