
Friday, September 28, 2007


This is the side of the fridge, just to show you that I can be organised sometimes: I use the “red chilli” pad to note recipes I want to try and where they are, the “dog clip” for useful information and on the white piece of paper I have my freezer inventory, all in categories [the school marm in me again!] which I regularly update.

Five days to go before I make a quick trip to the UK and here friends are asking, just as they would in Britain, “Have you packed yet?” Packed?! Are they mad? Packing is what I do at about 2 am during the night prior to departure! What I do have ready are my lists, which I have been compiling for over a month [even before I booked the flight!] I set out my clothes list like a school scheme of work, only now my columns are not headed topic / duration / activities / grammar / vocabulary / [or functions / notions if it’s a college scheme] along with the crap “cross – curricular links” [don’t start me on that one!] but something like this: outfit / shoes & bag / underwear / jewellery / make-up. It’s much easier to travel in winter if you’re not one of life’s light travellers as you can stick to one basic colour and avoid the need for lots of different shoes. Then I have another list of who over there gets which presies, and a similar one for the return journey. Usually, once all the clothes and presies are in the case, I stand back and say to myself, “That’s not too bad” but then of course the make-up, which weighs a ton, has to go in last [because it will be needed first] and thus my suitcase gets labelled “heavy” at the airport.

Well, I am trying to contain my excitement because I have the following amazingly adventurous plans: I shall go to Lakeland Plastics and purchase some klippets as I just cannot be doing with the fiddly bag ties that come with Italian freezer bags. I might get another joined up oven mitt as well! I shall browse in a Waterstone’s branch [or several ] and sit down to leaf through the books. To be fair, you can do this here in our small but excellent Libreria Mondadori but there are other bookshops in Modica which are certainly not browseable. I shall also browse through displays of underwear to my heart’s content – sloggies here I come! [Pronounced slodjee, you can buy white, but not black ones here, girls .] And I shall buy some sumac – which should be available in Sicily but is not – and some allspice berries.

But the real reason for my excitement is that at last I am going to meet bloggers Liz and Shirl. What a gossip the three of us will have! Liz and I were saying the other day how much we’d like James to be able to join us – if he could cope!


  1. Ah, fridge magnets…

    Our fridge documents our travels, with fridge magnets where we can find decent ones to remind us of places we have been.

  2. I think James should make the effort to be there. You girls need a "MAN" to look out for you. Have a lovely time.

  3. Hello, phil a. Thank you for visiting my blog. Yes, fridge magnets cheer me up because they remind me of nice places and people. MM, he will just love you!

  4. ah but packing is so easy! frequent travellers often do the pregnant woman thing and just have a case packed at all times in case they ever have to leave at short notice...

    i wish i could be so well organized
    i'm a cross between EXTREMELY well ordered and a total mess... things tilting far more towards the mess end these days!

  5. Can I ask you something? How come about 4 authors are listed for this blog when really it seems to be yours?

  6. Yes Welshcakes, we would all like to meet James. Maybe one day, but I think he likes to remain a man of mystery. I hope you have a lovely visit, it's always great to meet up with bloggers.

  7. What great fun it will be to catch up with Liz and Shirl, Welsh. I think you're going to need a "talking stick"...she who holds the stick has the floor, so to speak! ;)

    I make lists, too...but I also pack way before I'm ready to depart. I'm hopeless...and I always leave tons of time up my case of anything unforeseen, plus I hate being late. Punctuality is a necessity!

  8. Hi, Gleds. I think most of us are that way! It's my blog but as I'll be away for about 10 days from nest Wednesday some Blogppower buddies are going to keep the blog going by guest posting for me . I have had to list them now as authors so that they'll be able to access my site. That's all. Ciao, Ellee. Speak to you, at least, while I'm over there. Hi, Lee. A "talking stick" would be a good idea! I am usually British and punctual too!

  9. oh i see what you mean!

  10. I'm glad to see that the fridge magnets are actually used. I call my fridge my temporary filing cabinet although some files are not so temporary.
    A list woman,a woman after my own heart.
    It sounds as if you are getting very excited about this whole thing. It will be fun, even without James, but more fun with him.

  11. I should warn you: I am not punctual! But I shall make an effort for you!

  12. My fridge will be up on the blog shortly

  13. Does the idea of meeting other bloggers not raise questions for you?

    The idea would scare me...

    But I'm sure James would be a perfect gentleman.

  14. Hi Welshcakes, yes we must speak, but it would be so lovely to meet you too if your plans allow it.

  15. Three blogging ladies together - that's ultra-dangerous.

  16. Ciao, Gleds. I love lists, jmb - I'm just not very keen on doing anything about them! That's OK, Liz - I'm used to Italian time-keeping! Can't wait to see it, Shades! Hi, Crushed. No, because Liz, Shirl and I are in touch by email and have been for some time. I think 2 Welshwomen d'un certain age are likely to understand each other and Liz and Shirl have already met. I'm sure James would be very chivalrous. Hi, ellee. Be in touch about that. Ciao, James, Yes, and two of them Welsh! The Sicilian contingent will have been to a lecture by Germaine Greer at the Cheltenham Lit Fest , too - scary enough for you?!

  17. Enjoy your visit to england.... hope its not raining...
    I hate packing to go away... its even hardr when you dont know whre your going :-)

  18. Hi, Sally. Dying to know where Geoff takes you! Auguri

  19. Anonymous2:36 pm

    Hi all, the third corner of the blogger meeting triangle here. No probs if it becomes a quadrangle, James, we have enough chairs for many more! Must remember to email Liz with the route from M4 - last time she visited me we were in Swindon still so it's a first for Bristol, Liz!

    Sticking to one colour scheme is the best way to travel, WL. Makes the shoes and bags so easy - and the jackets etc. You don't have to throw in one single item 'just in case' - forgive the pun. As for make-up, I also limit the colour scheme but I have yet to see the real WL and will doubtless pale into insignificance myself!

    A little secret for you folks, a world exclusive - the three of us will be able to access a separate blog where you can read about our meeting! That way, you won't have to click on all three blogs for all the nitty gritty - and you will know how well our little tete-a-tete went by the length of the posts!

    One week to go...

  20. Thanks for the world exclusive, Shirl! I assure you you won't "pale into insignificance". I think we're 3 glam ladies, although I say it myself! Not long now...
