
Saturday, September 01, 2007


Hi, folks - it's Simi here! I haven't done any blogging for a long time but it's taken a lot of energy to stretch out on the tiles and keep cool this summer. I've also been busy looking after my mummy and getting her through her non-waggy period at the end of August. As a reward, she said I could have my hair done today - she's not the only one who can spend hours at the hairdresser's, you know - so this morning my friend Mr Enzo from the pet store came to fetch me in his van. I of course knew where I was going and I think mummy was a bit put out because I was so keen to get there! It took the whole morning to restyle my fur, give me a manicure and drench me in perfume and then Mr Enzo brought me home. He told mummy I'd been bravissima and he gave me a meaty stick. Then mummy took me for an extra walk because there's no point in having a new hairdo if you can't show it off, is there?

Yesterday when mummy was looking through old photos she found this one of me as a pup. Wasn't I little? I don't know what she did with that basket - it was so nice and chewy - I've got one of those plastic beds now. Then she started showing my baby picture to everybody, as mummies do, so I thought I'd take the initiative and show it to all my fans out there in the dogosphere as well !

Ciao, ciao , e buona domenica a tutti! xSimi


  1. Simi darling you look smashing! There's just nothing like a day at the salon to put a wiggle in your wag is there?

    What an adorable baby picture. It just goes to show, beautiful baby = a beautiful dog.

    Give your mum some extra love just now. Thank you for showing off your new do!

  2. Simi says: Thank you, aintie-Lady-M! I like that idea - a wiggle in my wag - and I am going to tell mummy about it right now! I will! xx

  3. Simi, you look beautiful. Your mummy must be very proud.

  4. Anonymous10:36 pm

    Escape while you can! I have a little boat and I will rescue you and no one will worry you or shave your fur or anything... Tonight at 8 on the beach.....

  5. Simi, beautiful as always. What a beautiful puppy you were. A redhead and a blonde out for a walk, both looking smashing I'm sure.
    Buona domenica anche a te.
    A hug and a pat

  6. Simi, you're such a cutie! Glad to see you're back blogging! My human barely lets me near the computer :( Signed, an envious Luna in Calabria

  7. Simi says: Thank you, Auntie Chris. Mutley. you old romantic! Grazie, Auntie jmb. What a lot of new aunties I have got by blogging! Luna, thank you. You'll have to train your human to let you have a go!

  8. I love the "now and then" pictures. Simi does look smashing. What would the locals say about bows in the hair?

  9. Well, Simi, weren't you just the cutest pup, and isn't your new haircut to die for? I bet your plastic bed isn't half as nice to chew though!

  10. Simi says; Hi, Aunties Pink and Liz! The Italian humans know me now so I think they would like to see ribbons in my hair. I don't like the idea, though - it might inhibit me from bounding around! I can't chew my plastic bed but I don't spend much time in it as I sneak onto mummy's bed most nights - heehee! Luv and wags from Sicily xx

  11. WL, I have a message from a woofer known only as "The Tofster" (golden retriever).

    Message follows:

    A non waggy period? What's all that about then? Get a few bonios in, some snacks (I really like those hula hoop things), a nice bit drink (I'm partial to a lick or two of Stella), an old trainer (for chewing) and some chews (did I already say that?).

    More importantly, make sure you've a nice bit of the sofa ready, a good stroking arm clear and up for duty and plenty of space for me to go for a you-know-what.

    Tell you what why don't you get a DVD in and we can watch something funny, you can chatter to me and I can occasionally bark at hot air balloons.

    A non waggy period? I'm sorry but I find this totally unacceptable. A good walk and a sniff and a potter around the other dogs nearby ought to cure you of this ridiculous delusion.

    Message Ends.

    The tofster (real name, apparently, Toffee).

  12. Simi

    You have just restarted blogging. So have I.

    Your mummy is lovely. She visited me soon after I returned..

    PS You're lovely too

  13. TD, Simi says: "Hello, Tofster. I like your name! You are right: I'll get a few of those nice Italian blond beers in, we've got plenty of chews [I like Italian "deli-bons"] and then I'll make mummy clear me some sofa space! [Though she already knows I'm in charge there, really!] I'll take her for a sniff around to cure her of the non-waggy episode!! "
    "Dear Uncle Calum, my mummy is very glad you are back. I can tell 'cos she wagged her tail [well, bum!] We are both thinking of you. Luv, Simi x"

  14. I really want a dog, but I doubt it'll ever be practical.

    Simi does look sweet.
    I am jealous.

  15. Crushed, you'll see - one day it'll just be OK and you'll get a dog. Meanwhile, Simi says, "Hi, Uncle Crushed. I'm glad you like me 'cos I like you". [She's an awful flirt, you know!]

  16. Simi as always your just darling! Moloto Bene!!!! Baci e Abbraci from America! M

  17. Simi says: "Hello, auntie M! An American auntie!! I am a lucky girl! Luvs and wags from Sicily."
