
Monday, September 17, 2007


This is a Greek dish which I have adapted to the ingredients available here. My mother used to make it for me as comfort food, and I think it is definitely in that category:

Chicken with Tomato Rice

2 large skinned, boned chicken breasts, cut into pieces

1 clove garlic, halved

'strattu [tomato paste, not purée]

coarse seasalt and freshly ground black pepper

4 oz unsalted butter

8 oz long-grain rice

Heat the oven to 160 C.

Rub the chicken pieces all over with the cut sides of the garlic and then with tomato paste. Place them in an oiled roasting dish. Season with the pepper and salt then dot with the butter. Bake for 45 minutes.

Cook the rice till just done in c. 2 pints water, then drain.

Bring a further 1 pint of water to the boil then add it to the chicken with the rice. Make sure the chicken pieces are on top of the rice.

Cover with foil and bake for a further 30 minutes.

Take the dish out of the oven and replace the foil with kitchen paper towels [which will absorb excess moisture - yes, they will!] Let it stand for 15 minutes before serving.

You only need some good bread and a salad to accompany this.


  1. You have forgotten the lemon, that is how my mother cooked it, and her mother before her. It is called "Avglomono" and is really scrummy.

  2. No, no lemon in this one, Ellee. It must be a different version and I did say I had adapted it anyway. As I understand it, "avgolemono" sauces always contain egg as well, and that is something I try to avoid.

  3. This is where the 'Are you hungry, would you like some food?' approach to cooking is doomed...

    Looks nice, though.

  4. Yum! Yum! I'm having chicken schnitzels later...I'm going to put some soft cheese and some bacon in the centre of them, fold them over and cook them.

    Welsh...I saw a recipe yesterday that cooks couscous in tomato juice...I thought that was an interesting variation on a theme! I reckon it could be varied even further by adding a little powdered chicken stock and a squeeze or two of lemon juice...just a bit of trivia! ;)

  5. Boy! I didn't realise how far behind I was...I've just caught up on all your previous posts that I've missed out on in the past couple of days! Sorry, Welsh...other things got in my way and I've fallen behind with blogging, all and sundry!

  6. Well it looks delicious as always Welshcakes. I will not be weighing in on the lemon/no lemon controversy as I haven't got a clue about avglomono. Maybe Lee will add her two cents.

  7. I'm sure you can do it without the egg, I love it with lemon.

  8. Sounds jolly good - is that your homemade strattu?

  9. Just what exactly is comfort food, Welshcakes?

  10. Thanks, Crushed. I plan my menus for the week, usually. Hi, Lee. That sounds an interesting way of cooking couscous. That's OK, Lee - romance is far more important! Hi, jmb. As Ellee says, you could do it either way. And Ellee, I'll add lemon next time! Hi, WW. No, I made sauce, not 'strattu. I don't think it's worth making 'strattu unless you have a supply of homegrown tomatoes, as you need so many to make so little. Good question, James: food that makes you feel looked after, that warms your heart, that restores you. For me, such food nearly always contains potatoes, rice or pasta.
