
Monday, August 06, 2007


A few days ago, Lady Macleod kindly passed on to me the "thoughtful blogger"award. I am delighted to receive it and I urge you, if you don't already know Lady M's fascinating blog about her life in Morocco, to take a look. She writes effervescently, beautifully, touchingly and very evocatively about all aspects of her sojourn there, and she hints at a past in which she has endured her troubles, too. I hope she won't mind my saying that this makes her writing all the more attractive to me. Today she has received the "Courageous blogger" award and that is well-deserved, too. Do take a look at her post on courage. It moved me to tears.

Lady M commented on the picture of Simone I posted yesterday and it occurred to me that newer readers have not been properly introduced! So here is my favourite photo of my precious, taken in Britain, and it is the photo that appears in her EU doggy passport, of which we are both justly proud. She will be 9 years old in December [such a big girl!] and yes, I am aware that time is passing ... Every moment with her is one to treasure. She is such a brave little girl: she has had a big change in her life, moving here [for her mummy would not have left Britain without her!] and she has largely taken it all in her paw- stride. She has won many Sicilian hearts in the 2 years we have been here and continues to do so [and a lot of these hearts belong to people who are not used to dogs as pets]. She shares my life; she runs my life ; she is my life.

Now I must pass the "Thoughtful blogger" award on to 5 others:

1. Ruthie, who writes thought-provoking, always fair-minded posts on a number of political issues but who also takes time to tell us of her feelings as a single Mom and all about the delightful "Little C".

2. Eurodog: My friend in Belgium is a dog-trainer whose love for animals shines through in every thoughtful post. Eurodog has stories about the way in which dogs are treated all over the world and I have learnt so much from her blog.

3. Steve: you never know what this kindly American is going to post about, and that is part of the charm of his blog. Book reviews, jokes, pretty photos - they are all here and Steve is such a gent! Do take a look at his photo blog too: recently he posted about a visit to Flossenburg Concentration Camp and it is something we should all look at.

4. Shirl: My friend in South Glos has a very interesting format for her blog and she keeps to it, reminding us how much happiness, heartache and hope there can be in every single day [for I cannot put it better than Shirl does in her blog title]. Hope always wins out, at Shirl's.

5. Marymary: A fairly new Irish friend, Marymary is always thoughtful, sometimes whimsical, sometimes challenging and she often cheers me up. She always replies to her commenters and is frank about her feelings.
[Trouble with spacing again in this post.]


  1. Anonymous11:04 pm

    I love Lady Ms blog as well! She is a clever lady.. I always read yours too Ms Limoncello. Mutleythedog is about 14 or so.. I posted about him a while back. When I had decided he was dying (he wasn't) He has moved house five times...

  2. Simi is such a little sweetie. :) And I bet she knows it, too! I, like you, would never, could never consider relocating somewhere without taking my pets. If they couldn't come along, then there is no way I would go anywhere without them.

    Congratulations on your award, Welsh...well-deserved. :)

  3. Well, thank you kindly, Mutley. Yes, I read your post about the "other"Mutley and I commented - I hope! He is lovely. I'm sure he knows he has a good billet with you and doesn't mind moving as long as YOU are there! Hi, Lee. Oh, she does! I feel exactly the same .. Where I go, Simi goes.

  4. Congratulations WCLC, you do deserve this award.
    I love to hear about Miss Simi and to see her too. She is the most beautiful colour.
    All your nominees are interesting to me as well, most of them I know, but one is new so I'll follow that up.

  5. Well done and well deserved, Welshcakes, the most thoughtful of bloggers.

    Clearly I don't qualify as thoughtful or caring for other bloggers but no matter.

  6. Mr Bowser would like to say this was by far the most alluring photo he has yet seen of that captivating girl in Sicily - he too, is nine and feels this is yet another bond between them.

    What is it about dogs, it makes a connection between totally diverse people all over the world - what would we do without them?

  7. Welshcakes - I think MaryMary will be delighted at your nomination -(she is away I think, till end of next week) It is so strange, as we are sisters, but I feel I am getting to know more about her now than in the last many years - many thanks again, on her behalf.x
    I just love Simi's intellignet little face - have you written a blog about how you met her? Do let me know, so I can find it. I am currently really wanting a little Bengal cat, as I cannot have a dog here, and I am torn between about 20 of the wonderful little things. I am sure to end up overrun by them, but what a nice way to be.X

  8. Thanks, jmb. Yes, I am daily amazed at Simi's beautiful colour. She was quite brown when I fiorst saw her [when she was 4 weeks old]and then she started to turn into this golden girl of mine. Thanks, James. Of course your fellow bloggers think the world of you and you've already got this award courtesy of Lady M! - There, there... Hi, Sally. I think we have a definite romance on our hands here! Simi says "thank you, Mr Bowser" and she's sure he's very handsome! You are right - it's easy to connect with other dog lovers. Hi, janejill. I thought MM must be away. I knew you were close, from your commnents on her blog, but I didn't know you were sisters. I haven't posted about how I got Simi but you have given me an idea - thank you. In the early days of the blog, though, I did write about how I brought her over to Sicily. Have fun choosing your cat / cats!

  9. Dear Welshcakes - I'd love to send Simi a photo of her admirer, the only question is how?

  10. Thank you for nominating me as a thoughtful blogger.
    You know I read your blog every day. I do not always leave a comment and also thanks to your keen interest in what I write, I feel driven to keep writing interesting things about dogs.

  11. Sally, we'd love to receive a photo of Mr Bowser. My email is
    My pleasure, eurodog. I appreciate your loyalty. Just keep writing about dogs for us!

  12. Oh my, such lovely words - thank you. A compliment received from someone I respect and like is made all the more valuable for it. Thank you my friend.

    I can't imagine life without pets, not fun at all. You have such a winner in Simi. I mean, look at that face!

    Ah yes the banking! Here you are charged for breathing the bank's air, and they run out of money every now and then. Yes! that's what I said! So I closed the account I had opened in order to get my residency card and I keep my money in a nice (really so nice) American bank. I may have to open another account before I can renew my residency card, but then,...

    Thank you for TELLING JAMES. I have been nudging him for days. Apparently (uh huh) he did not read my blog that day...I'm saying nothing.

    Your TB nominees look interesting indeed. I am so swamped with work just now I am having an impossible time to visit my friends! but I am taking a day later this week to catch up on visiting and I shall check them out. I know MaryMary of course, and Shirl, the others sound of equal caliber.

    I couldn't think of anyone better than MY nominees of course. Huzzah to you! May everyone in your world be as thoughtful as you.

  13. Thank YOU, Lady M. The banks run out of money? Don't tell the Italians! I'm sure James missed your award post - he has so many of us to get round! Auguri

  14. Meant to say Simi is very flattered by your comment, Lady M!

  15. Sally, as you now know, we got the pics of dear Mr Bowser! Simi just wants to say here that he is VERY handsome! xx

  16. Anonymous10:55 am

    Welshcakes, I am honored by your thoughtfulness and you link to me. Thank you.

  17. Anonymous11:00 am

    Thank you WL - amazing and gratefully received.
