
Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I have been interviewed for the Sicily Guide blog here. You may care to take a look.


  1. I've just read your interview and it's great - positive, enthusiastic and constructive. Let's hope the link will bring hundreds more fans clocking on for their daily fix - thank you.

  2. Thank YOU, Sally, for being so kind and encouraging.

  3. Interesting bit of perspective.

    What would you say you missed most about dreary old Blighty?

  4. Anonymous12:17 am

    I for one am jealous as no one has ever interviewed me about anything...

  5. Crushed, Radio 4! It's just not the same on the net. Mutley, I shall write to the BBC, ITV, Sky and HM the Queen!

  6. I enjoyed reading your interview and your pros and cons on Sicily. I'll be emailing you later this week with some questions about travel.

  7. A very nice, informative interview! Do you feel somewhat trapped without a car? Are there buses going frequently between cities? Thanks!

  8. Excellent interview, Welshcakes. I don't think there were any surprises to regular readers of your blog but, once again, you've made me want to visit your beautiful island.

  9. Well done, WL. Sorry you've been suffering from the heat but I'm sure that if you'd spent the summer here, you'd be cursing more loudly!

  10. Just back from reading your interview you celebrity you! Very nice. It is always good to learn more about you. For mercy's sake next time mention mutleythedog in some capacity! :-)

    Well done.

  11. Hi WL,
    I discovered your blog today while surfing the net looking up sicily etc..
    Loved your interview, I agree with you wholeheartedly on every point. I also live in Sicily since 2003. I must say I have had it a bit rough though so reading your lovely blog was rather encouraging and gives me hope. I married a man from here (Marsala) and we decided to stay here for the time being. This area is very beautiful but I haven't been as fortunate as you in the making friends department so I am somewhat lonely here. I miss Washington DC my home town very much. Ok, that's it thank you for your lovely blog I will subscribe to it, take care, Dea :)

  12. "Trapped" was a poor word choice. I meant to ask, do you miss not having a car. Sorry!

  13. Hi, pink. Glad you enjoyed it. Will be happy to answer your questions. TF, don't worry. I knew exactly what you meant. I've never driven so I don't miss having a car. Transport between cities is excellent - the buses are better than the trains - it's just transport within Modica that's a bit unreliable - and they change the location of bus stops and change routes without telling you! Thanks, Liz. No revelations, it is true. Do come and visit! Thanks, WW. I probably would from what I have seen and read! Thank you, Lady M. I will mention dear Mutley if there's a next time! Deika, how nice to meet you and thank you for your kind words about my blog. I'm sorry you've had a difficult time: I know I was very fortunate in having made friends here before I moved. Can I help in any way?

  14. You absolute star. I left a comment there.

  15. Thank you, Sir James. Much appreciated.

  16. Great interview Welshcakes. I too hope it brings you more readers, although you seem to be doing fine.
