
Sunday, August 12, 2007


I was delighted to receive yesterday, via eurodogtraining, the Inspirational Blogger Award. It means a lot to me. Do take a look at eurodog's blog, if you have not already done so and especially if you are a pet person. Here you will find dog stories to both warm and break your heart, plus a lot of history regarding dogs that I, for one, did not know about.

Now to pass the award on: this is always difficult when you can choose only 5, as there are so many blogs out there that are daily reads for me, but here goes:

1. The most inspirational blogger I know has to be James: his output is amazing and just by that, he inspires me. But he also encourages and keeps everyone in Blogpower going, and of course he is the inspiration behind the Blogpower movement, which has been so good for so many of us. Cincin, James!

2. My American friend Ballpoint Wren has been "resting" for a while, but she reappeared last week with a wonderful video post. Bonnie Wren kept me going many times in my early days of blogging and her wonderfully funny yet heart-warming posts about her bulldog Mojo inspired my Simi dog to contribute to our blog all by herself!

3. Anne in Oxfordshire also helps me feel that blogging is worthwhile: even in the midst of her own sorrow, she reads my blog, links to me and generally encourages me. And her photos of the pretty ceramics she makes always cheer me on a gloomy day.

4. Crushed has inspired me to write several posts recently. His thoughtful and considered style is a lesson in good writing in itself and he is a must read, I know, for many of us. He's partying this weekend so I hope he is having a drink for me as well!

5. Kizzie's blog is one I have come to only in the past few days and I am fascinated by her insight into the many conflicts and tragedies of this world. Her well thought -out posts deserve a wide readership and she has inspired me, at any rate, to reassess what I see and hear in the media.
So thank you to all the above for enriching my life and inspiring me in so many ways.


  1. Congratulations Welshcakes, well deserved and you have chosen your recipients well.
    There should be no whining again here from certain people.

  2. Thank you so much me blogging is hard, Its hard to believe that some people out there would be remotely interested in what I write, or post, especially if they don't already know me. Your chats have been a godsend, and I am so pleased that every now and again I have been able to help someone in another part of the world. xxx

  3. Thnak you, jmb. A pleasure , Anne. Your blog is so pretty that it lightens my heart just to look at it. You are probably helping a lot more people than you think. x

  4. It was a great party, Welshcakes, had some really thought provoking conversations.

    Thanks for the award, it's quite a nice word, inspirational.

  5. Anonymous4:26 pm

    Your blog is great Ms Limoncello, I always pop in for a little light refreshment..

  6. A pleasure, Crushed. Glad you had a good weekend. Thank you, Mutley. Your own blog brightens my days no end. Simi dog says "hello and wags from Sicily" to Mutley dog.

  7. kizzie's blog is good, Welshcakes. she just keeps taking holidays in exotic places!!

  8. JMB - you couldn't possibly be referring to little old me, could you, dearest?

    Anne - it may be ahrd but your blog is great.

    Hey, what am I doing? I thought it was my blog for a moment!

    Merci buckets but whom am I going to give it to now?.

  9. Hi, Pommy. Thanks for coming over.
    I see that you've managed it, your lordship.

  10. Congrats,'re always an inspiration to me, so this award is well-deserved. :)

  11. Thanks, Lee. your blog is pretty inspiring, too!
