
Tuesday, August 21, 2007


As Simi and I were strolling along this morning, I saw the man from the comune office waving enthusiastically from the other side of the road and shouting something. As we got nearer, I realised that he was yelling, "Complimenti!" and, as I had just dropped a little bag of dog poo into a nearby bin, assumed he was referring to this act, as that's the only thing anyone ever congratulates me upon in the street. But when we reached his side, he said, "Congratulations on your TV appearance". I just stared at him and asked, "What TV appearance?" "The interview!" he explained. Then I remembered: on the 26th April 2006 [I know the date because I blogged about it at the time, when I didn't have any readers] I was in via Sacro Cuore, minding my own business, when a microphone was thrust into my face and a camera started rolling: "Signora, 35 seconds to say whatever you want" the TV lady had instructed and I babbled on about the sun, the food and all the good things of Sicily. [I was in a positive mood, having just come out of the hairdresser's.] Anyway, it seems that this snippet was shown on local TV on Sunday night. I missed it, of course, and I can only assume that they save such inconsequential items up for this time of year when hardly anyone is watching.

Both Raffaele the hairdresser and the Altro Posto have reopened today so I feel human and had to have a celebratory ice [lemon, orange and amarena]. They have a new barman who has been well trained as to when to bring me my second gin and tonic!


  1. hey isn't there a way you can YOUTUBE this... that would be so fascinating... you must've been talking Italian I suppose??

    Hey I've found something on Radio 4 you might like... it is called Don't Hang Up.. I am listening to it right now on Real Player

    You just got to go to the BBC Radio 4 Listen Again site and select Don't Hang up I blogged about it yesterday and put the links in my Robo Hammies post

    the guy phones telephone boxes throughout the world and records the fascinating conversations that result

  2. That sounds fantastic...shame you missed it. Brilliant that the man from the comune office recognised you. And at last...your life is back to normal with Raffaele and the Altro Posto open. :-)

  3. Hi, Gleds. I wouldn't know where to start! Yes, Italian. I will have a listen to that on R4 - it sounds right up my street - thanks. Thanks, Anne. Yes, a little normality!

  4. Can I have your autograph, please, Welsh? ;)

  5. Sure, Lee. I'll get my PR man to fax it over!!!

  6. Andy Warhol, a now-deceased but very famous artist in the U.S. once said, "everyone is famous for 15 minutes". So congratulations on your fame and isn't it nice that they caught you coming out of the hairdresser rather than going in?!
    Thanks for answering my questions about living in Sicily - I may have more!!

  7. I had a similar experience.
    I was on Belgian TV talking about dogs and I thought nothing of it. In the line of duty sort of thing until people came up to me in the supermarket, in restaurants and even in the street. Quite funny really.

  8. Anonymous10:37 am

    What fun! Too many Brits would refuse and cold shoulder the idea for no reason! You are great!

  9. Wow - a TV celebrity!!! Hope there were a few talent scouts around.

    Glad your life's returning to its usual happy state. It's always a bit unsettling when your normal routine is upset and I don't know how you cope without a hairdresser!

  10. Excellent! Why don't you approach them to see if you could get your own TV cookery show? I think it would be a winner. Then you could supply some of your dishes to you local cafes as well as showing some of theirs on your show and everybody would be happy!

  11. Hi, TF. Yes, "famous for 35 seconds"! I'd have run away if they'd caught me on my way in! Happy to answer your questions any time. Ciao, eurodog. You must have come over very well, then, or they wouldn't approach you. That must be nice if you are able to help them. Thanks, Mutley. Hi, Chris. Being without the hairdresser has been the worst part of the ferragosto period - no confidence to do anything! Thanks, WW. That's a brilliant idea but I don't know if I'd have the confidence to do that!

  12. You absolute star. And where was Simi?

  13. Thanks, James. She was here at home: there is no problem about taking her to Raffaele's but I usually have to go to the supermarket afterwards.

  14. Hooray, life returns to Sicilian normal! Only improved by the sound of it, with changes in the PO.

    And a television star as well - how fantastic to be recognised. What a great idea that is of a television cookery show: you would be brilliant. And you could have Simi sitting patiently, waiting for treats, and accompanying you to the market.

  15. Too bad he didn't tape it for you. Maybe you can contact the station and see if you can get a copy of the program.

  16. I like WW's idea about getting your own cookery show. Perhaps you could start small by offering to do a cooking segment now and then on your local TV station. You could tell them you've got quite a following on your website. Worth a try!! I love seeing your food pictures and I can just smell the garlic!!

  17. WL. Surely someone will have it in tape. When can we expect to see that clip on YouTube? MM.

  18. Hi, Liz. Yes, little improvements make a big difference! Simi likes the idea of being on TV! Ciao, jmb. I could try that. Thanks, TF. You are so kind. MM, I'll ask around at the end of next week when everyone is back from hols and businesses are back to normal.

  19. Huzzah! You have always been a star to us you know. That sounds a good day!

  20. You are always so kind, Lady M.

  21. WOW! Our very own celebrity! I am so impresessed now we have to have a copy of this interview!

    I will have to troll youtube till I find it. Till than! Congratulations!

    All the best to you and Simi,

  22. Thanks, M. When people get back from hols next week I might fond someone who's got it on tape!
