
Monday, July 30, 2007


That time of year thou mayst in me behold
- Sonnet LXX111

.. when I have to make a decision again. Not a life-changing one or an important one about which political blogs to nominate to Iain Dale, which has much exercised James today, but a totally trivial one about how to use the 3000 supermarket points I have accumulated since January. [Regular readers may remember that I acquired a smart set of saucepans then.] This time the four items that have caught my eye in the catalogue are:

1. A foot spa. Nice to have but how often would I use it? It is also rather large and would have to be stored somewhere.

2. A tower fan. I have air conditioning only in the living room so this would be handy for the bedroom. It would save carting a table top fan from room to room at night and this one has a timer on it. [Last night I fell asleep and had the small fan going all night.] But here we are at the end of July. The fan would probably take 4 weeks to arrive and by then the worst of the heat will be over.

3. A microwave. I've managed without one for two years, though. The one in the catalogue is a good make but again, it is large and I would have to buy, or have made, a surface to put it on.

4. An MP3 player. Hmmm.....

What would you do?


  1. Any wine? Or Champagne?

  2. I dare not LIVE without a microwave, but then you cook, so I say go for the MP3 player. I LOVE my iPod. I use it to run (rock 'n roll and rap), on the train (sinatra, bonnie rait), noisy city rides (maria callas and the three tenors). It is brilliant.

  3. Anonymous8:17 pm

    We have a bunch of fans, but lately we haven't needed them. They are good on hot days. A microwave is something we couldn't do without. Makes life much easier, but we don't cook as well or as much as you. Do you have to use earphones with the MP3 player? That wouldn't work for me. A foot spa? Not for me.

  4. The fan, Welshcakes.

    You need the fan.

    A quick look through your back posts will convince you.

  5. Hi, eurodog. Sadly, no. Thanks, Lady M. I only ever used my m/w for 3 things in Britain: melting chocolate, making garlic mushrooms and heating uo those aroma-therapy pads for my rheumatism! I do miss it for melting chocolate. You are convincing me about the MP3! Hi, Steve. I never thought about earphones. Will have to check - good point. Thanks, Crushed - I will look back!

  6. If the mp3 player is not an iPod don't bother. IPods are far superior to anything else, trust me I've had both.
    I could live without my microwave although I've had one since they originally came out. I do use it for sauces mostly and melting chocolate, would you believe.
    I have a foot spa, no better than a dishpan of water.
    Tower fan? We have ceiling fans which we run all night in hot weather. I think I might go for this.
    So make what you will of all this advice.

  7. Mp3 player!

    They're so much fun.

    But then again... I couldn't live without a microwave.

  8. No to the foot spa - takes up an inordinate amount of storage and then you have to get it out and set it up ....... ditto microwave, I know you'd hardly ever use it. So it's down to the fan and MP3 player - decisions, decisions. I know you'd use the fan and it can be hot right till the end of September and it would be ready for next year - but - an MP3 player is the sort of thing you might not buy for yourself and is a bit of an indulgence - tempted.... Keep us posted on the end result!

  9. Hi, jmb. To be honest, I'm not sure what the difference is. Have just been looking it up on the net. Can anyone explain further? I remember you posted about Ipods so I will search your archive for that. The main reason I would like one is to download radio 4 programmes to it but I've just read on the BBC site that no radio drama is available as podcasts so maybe it wouldn't be worth it. A lot of people have those ceiling fans here. Perhaps it would be a better idea. Ruthie, yes, an mp3 player might be fun! Sally, agree the footspa would take up too much room in storage. Still pondering on fan /mp3. Thanks, everyone, for your thoughts.

  10. to use the 3000 supermarket points I have accumulated since January...

    Now that's vastly more important - things must be kept in perspective.

  11. The fan. With global warming the summers will get hotter and longer (possibly).

  12. Good point, Liz. Still procrastinating.
