
Saturday, July 07, 2007


This evening I thought I'd introduce you to the artwork of my friend Gino. He is a talented and prolific artist who paints for the love of it, uses all sorts of media and who will try his hand at any subject matter which inspires him. Well, I'll let the paintings speak for themselves: the first group consists of scenes of the nearby seaside village of Sampieri, as Gino remembers it and as it is now. I was with Gino on the evening portrayed in the last two pictures so can vouch for the fact that the colours of the sea and sky really were as you see them here. I don't think that Gino could have been born anywhere but in Sicily!
I'm sure Gino would love to know what you think about his work.


  1. Anonymous10:17 pm

    Gino has a way of displaying a scene that I like. Not a verbatim view, but one that lets the imagination run. Please tell him for me, (Not much of artist, but I know what I like seeing) that I enjoyed his works.

  2. To cut it short: My eyes did like what they came to see. :-)
    And now for something completely different: Interesting to see what you listed as favourite books.
    And now,
    The Peace of the Night
    and afterwards
    a beautiful Sunday

  3. Thanks for sharing WCLC. There's nothing like the colour of the Mediterranean under the blue sky, day or evening.

  4. The second from the top, and the bottom picture stand out. Good use of colour.

  5. Steve, Gino will be delighted with your comment. Yours, too, Sean. Nice to meet you. Which books do we have in common, I wonder? Hi, jmb. Yes, it has a quality all of its own. Crushed, Gino will, again, be delighted.

  6. This time it's the bottom one: the sunset. Again it's the warmth of the evening sun that colours the picture.

  7. Hm ... well ... Welshcake. Unskilled beginner that I am I do reply here: di Lampedusa, Schling ... but I should not start writing about literature! :) Another coincidence: Charles Aznavour. And a third: As you might have noticed, my first post (to check how it works) was a poem by Dafydd ap Gwilym; and now the first comment (Thanks!) by a Welsh Lady! Which let the corners of my mouth start an expedition to my ear-lobes.
    Again: A pleasure to virtually meet you.
    Il pace della notte. :)

  8. I like the sunsets too, Liz. Gino did me a miniature of that scene and I display it proudly. Thanks for replying, Sean. Glad you like Aznavour, too. I am coming over to read that first post now. Pace.

  9. What absolutely amazing I would love one for my house. I like them all but the best ones to me are the "house" pictures in posts 1, 2 and delightful it would be to feast your eyes on those as you walked down your hall way or in the conservatory.
