
Saturday, July 07, 2007


Cartellone is the old Jewish quarter of Modica and the first two pictures are Gino's depictions of houses there. [These now fetch quite a price, having been renovated!] Then what collection of Modican art would be complete without a painting of our glorious Duomo di San Giorgio? Next we have "Agrigento x 3" [you will work out why]. And finally, what collection of Sicilian art could be complete without a picture of a palm tree?

Now I confess that tonight is not quite the first time I have mentioned Gino on my blog, for some of you may remember that in the winter he painted Simi and me.

As I have said, Gino would love to have some feedback from you about his work.


  1. Anonymous10:19 pm

    I particularly like the second one.

  2. I like the two top ones. There's a Italian painter here, originally from Verona, Andrea Padovani, whose work reminds me of these two.
    They have the very Italian light, like nowhere else.
    Tell Gino that we really enjoyed his work and he is very talented.

  3. I think they are all good, love the colors. I like the first one best of all. I thought they were frescoes at first glance.

    thank you for sharing.

  4. I really, really like these paintings. I'm having a hard time choosing between nos. two and three for my favourite so I would have to have them both. I think that Gino is very talented.

  5. If I say that I love the rich colours and earthy feel, sadly, it means little because I'm an art philistine.

  6. The second from the bottom has some good qualities.

    Quite dreamlike.

  7. Hi, Steve. Yes, I like that one, too. Jmb, again, Gino will be pleased! How interesting that you have a painter from Verona there. Lady M, I agree - I like that one very much, too. Chris, Gino will be thrilled. I have the same problem with his paintings - I want them all! James, if you like them, you like them and it means a lot - you are no philistine! I think so, too, Crushed .

  8. I like the top one with the pink wall. You can feel the heat radiating from it.

  9. Anonymous3:53 pm

    There's a childlike observance about the pictures but they are clearly worked by an adult user of colour and paint. But, more's to the point, WL, this is your 3rd post in a row about Gino ...

  10. I love them, they are really vibrant, now can we please see a pic of Gino?

  11. Hi, Liz. Yes, I like the pink wall, too. Shirl, Gino is very much married and to a close friend!! He'll be pleased you like them, Ellee. Like a lot of my friends, Gino would probably be shy about appearing on my blog himself!

  12. My favourite is the first one,although I do like all of them. I cannot draw to save my life,so I do envy Ginos talent.

  13. Anonymous10:19 pm

    Just so we know...lucky Mrs Gino...the artistic temperament has its benefits, not all moodiness and 'I want to be alone with my paint brushes'. He does well. And he should not be shy.

  14. He has a very simplistic style...colourful and they depict the area, or how I imagine it in my own mind.

  15. Interesting comments all on this. I do like them and have come back to look again.

  16. Hi, MM. I can't draw either. I think it would be a lovely talent to have. Hi, Shirl. Yes, he does do well. Mrs gino has her work cut out finding room for and cataloguing the paintings! Lee, yes, it's the colours that make me go, "Wow!" James, I'm pleased you have come back. I'm sure Gino will be pleased with all the comments.

  17. Je vous remercie, Prof. J'en parlerai avec Gino.
