
Sunday, July 01, 2007


I forgot to say yesterday that, although my contribution to the 'strattu making was precisely nil - all I did was take photos and ask questions - I was nevertheless rewarded with a dish of Giovanna's granita di mandorla [almond water ice]. You can buy almond milk in supermarkets and smaller food shops here and very good it is, but Giovanna, like Irma, will have extracted the milk from the fresh almonds herself.

It was so refreshing that I could certainly have done with some after all the dancing I've done at the Blogpower Awards Ceremony in Second Life today: although I am stupid technically, everyone was very patient and I had a lovely time. We danced, drank and talked both nonsense and serious politics. Here I am, in green, revving it up earlier. James is to the right of me in the middle picture, looking very suave, don't you think? I would like to thank Tom and James in particular, and everyone else who helped, again here.


  1. I have never tried this granita but I love anything di mandorla, especially biscotti.
    I arrived at the after party in Second Life just as you were leaving. I saw you type that you had things to do and then you were gone. Where did you get that fabulous dress? I looked like the bag lady in red, with a stupid beanie I could not get rid of, but I did have bright red hair which I liked.
    I ran across James there a few hours before the awards. We were both pretty clueless. I wanted to shake hands but didn't know how. He said he'd give me a hug but didn't know how.

    I did run around a bit on Help Island and I can see this as just being an enormous time waster. There were something like 36,000 people all on line at the same time.
    I would definitely liked to have got a great dress and shoes and some bling. I couldn't even get lipstick! I did try a little dancing in SL which was great since I can't do it in real life.
    Oh well. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  2. Ironically, I couldn't get my avatar to dance.

    Still, it was interesting.
    I think more will come of it.

  3. Sounds like a lot of fun! By the time I arrived the party was over and I was dragged in to help with the cleaning up! ;)

  4. And to complete the circle, we would like to thank you for your fabulous appearance with us there.

  5. Well done, you are a star. And JMB went too, I am most impressed. I'm glad you all had a wonderful time. I hope to join you at the next party - I shall need someone to be patient with me too.

  6. Jmb, so sorry I missed you there! Oh, Tom [Last Ditch] took me shopping for the dress! I'm sure you looked fab! You got to "Help Island"?! That's more than I managed! And you danced!! I enjoyed it but it got a little technically scary for a basic girl like me! Crushed, I'm sure I saw you dancing at some point! I think we'll hear more of this too. So sorry I missed you, Lee. That's the sort of thing that usually happens to me! James, sei troppo gentile. We missed you, Ellee. I don't think you'll need as much help as I did! Hope you had a v happy birthday, though you wouldn't tell me exactly when it was! Auguri a tutti

  7. You look gorgeous, Welshcakes! I'm glad it all went so well. I thought I was going to be away for it and then, because of Harvey, we were home, but it slipped my mind. I did think of it later on but couldn't remember what to do - and, of course, I didn't have a thing to wear!

  8. Liz, sorry you didn't get there - we would have livened it up - not that it wasn't lively! Do give Harvey our love. Simi sends a special hug. x

  9. I'm just sorry I couldn't "meet" you in SL.

    I was so hoping I might.

  10. Sorry I missed you there, Ruthie but I'm sure there'll be other occasions with the Blogpower gang.
