
Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Fimmina ca si 'mpupa e fa toletta

o è innamorata o fannullona netta

- A woman who adorns herself and does her make-up

is either in love or a complete lazybones.

- Sicilian proverb.

As I am not in love, it follows that I am a lazybones, then. I bought these trinkets at Raffaele's this morning and he gave me a good discount on them. Jmb, I thought of you and your love of red when I saw the bracelet and earrings. I decided the red would go well with the white dress I purchased a few weeks ago and I couldn't resist the white earrings with little black spots on the bow. I've always believed in buying pretty accessories when you see them , if you can, and later you will find an outfit to go with them [not the other way round, usually, for me]. Now, if I can find some shoes with a dash of red in and a pair with a black-spotted white bow....


  1. I just got a nice red and white skirt from next.... But i went for

  2. Anonymous12:30 am

    If pink makes the boys wink, I dread to think what's going to happen when you sashay down the street wearing these, WL. Go steady girl. But do have fun.

  3. Red bling! What could be better. Your planned outfit sounds very stylish. Red shoes are to die for and I haven't had any for such a long time although I do have a very splashy red handbag.
    I bought another pair of black Geox this morning for the winter months. My daughter made me do it! She bought some shoes in the same shop so I had to have some as well. All on sale, of course.

    Auguri, keep cool there with gelati e granite.

  4. Have a "look-see" over in FauxNEWS when you get a chance, may be of interest to you! ;)

  5. I think all of those tomatoes have finally got to you!

  6. I like the black and white ones! The bracelet looks very imposing.

    I'm sure you'll find some shoes to match if you just spend a little time looking, Welshcakes!

  7. Anonymous11:57 am

    Always baffles me- women and adornments I mean. Would I look nice in the bangles and beads and whatnot? Could I wear shoes with the white spotted bow? Would I get unusual attention if I went out in ublic like that?

  8. Welshcakes, they'll look perfect with your lipstick. ;-

  9. Great choices- would look well with white too, I think?; I know what I want to be now - a fannullina

  10. Ah! Maybe that explains why I have a ton of jewelry and no clothes in my closet..the ultimate lazy bones! Although my hubby would disagree....

  11. Anonymous3:34 pm

    Spoil yourself.

  12. A girl can't have too many pairs of earrings. Very pretty! I must write sometime about my other hobby,making jewellry. I like to use Murano beads and swarovski crystal.

  13. Hi, Sally. That sounds cheerful. Shirl, I'll have to practice my sashaying! Hi, jmb. Congrats on getting another pair of Geox. I'm sure they are very elegant in black. Will do, Lee. Age, what a fabulous excuse - the tomatoes! I'm sure I will too, Liz! Mutley, I dare you to try it! Thanks, Ellee. Janejill, we'll be "fannullone" together. Pink, I'm sure you're not lazy! Thanks, steve - I'm a naughty girl and there's nothing like encouragement! MM, do post about your jewellery making. I just love Swarovski crystals. There's a Swarovski shop down in Modica Bassa and I have to drag me away from it.

  14. Not in love? And here I was hoping against hope.

  15. Aah, James, you could turn a girl's head.

  16. Aha I see a wee romance here.......

  17. janejill, you're a naughty woman!

  18. Simply love the red! The earrings are so cute too! I am all for accesories, not to mention, pocketbooks and shoes too!


  19. At first sight I thought it was an insalata caprese!

  20. Thanks, M. Agree! WW, yes, I can see the likeness now you mention it!
