
Wednesday, July 18, 2007


With regard to my tomato squashing machine, I am in danger of emulating the woman who falls in love with and sings to her electric floor polisher in the Jean Renoir film, La Cireuse Électrique. This afternoon I turned 4 trayfuls of tomatoes like the one above into sauce and I am getting more adept and quicker with the gadget. This time I added some chopped chilli pepper to the soffrito.

I'll let you know when I start singing to the machine!


  1. Hi Welshcakes - I've been quiet for a bit due to a major hassle with my broadband which drove me utterly mad, appalling service which left me without a connection for nearly 3 weeks - I was reduced to dictating copy down the telephone at one point and the milk of human kindness ran slow indeed in my veins as I was yet again told things would be fixed in 24 hours - this happened every day for ten days and I spent roughly an hour a day screeching icy cold down the telephone. Heigh ho all well now and I've had a happy half hour catching up with your news - my tomatoes in the greenhouse are only just beginning to colour, duh. Hope all is well with you - I missed you!

  2. It's only a matter of time...

    Any luck with the Tomato Gin?

  3. Hi, Sally. I'd thought you must be away. I totally sympathise with your connection probs - that sort of thing drives me into a frenzy and I exhibit no "pazienza" at all when it happens. Anyway, glad you're back on and all OK. Missed you too. Hey, Crushed - coming soon!

  4. Anonymous10:21 pm

    A T and T sounds like something to sing about.

  5. If it does a good job you sing to it, welshcakes! Nothing wrong with that.

  6. Anonymous12:36 am

    This machine seems perfect in its simplicity - worthy of all your hymns of praise, I'd say.

  7. Puts my tomato growing efforts to shame! Still, the ones that have managed to catch the sun and ripen are delicious.

  8. I think you've already gotten to the talking to it and caressing it stage, Welsh! ;)

  9. Just what every Italian needs if you ask me. Heavens have you used up all the sauce you made before? Or are you just striking while the tomatoes are cheap?
    I do love all that red in today's photo. My favourite colour.

  10. Did you not make tomato sauce in industrial quantities in June?
    Are there that many tomatoes at the moment?
    Here ( I am in England at present ) the selection is poor. The village and the nearby town do not even have a greengrocer. So I am envious.

  11. The sauce sounds (and looks) great.
    I am even more impressed by the lack of mess this time :-)

  12. Hi, Steve. G & T? Definitely! Liz, I am encouraged in my madness! Oh, Shirl it is. Not yet, JJ but watch this space! Chris, I'm sure your tomatoes are lovely. I miss making green tomato chutney, btw. Lee, probably! Hi, jmb, no, it's in containers in the freezer. I'm just making stocks for the year like the Sicilians! Hi, eurodog. Yes, I did but it wasn't a great quantity by Sicil standards. Still loads of tomatoes around. Hi, Age, I rather impressed myself this time!

  13. Sounds like my kind of fun, I love messing about in the kitchen.

    You're going to be super-healthy this winter, no sniffles for you.

  14. Thanks, Wolfie. I hope so! Come to think of it, I didn't have any colds last winter even though I forgot to get a flu jab! There's nothing like mucking around in the kitchen, is there?

  15. I bet the 'word has went out' in the tomato world in Sicily. "keep away from welchcakes or you will be squashed."

  16. Surely, rather than T and T, a Bloody Mary is a fine use for all that tomato puree. Create your own rival to "Big Tom" &ltG>.

  17. Hi, marymary. Yes, I'm sure all the tomatoes have told eah other on the - err- tomatovine! Hi, Mark. Sadly, I don't like vodka, though.
