
Wednesday, June 13, 2007


UPDATE: 14.6.07
Crushed and I are now confirmed equal first in category 10 and I am very happy with that. Congratulations again to him.
Well, it's all over and I am happy and not a little amazed! You can see all the results here. Thank you again to all who participated and all who encouraged and voted for me. Congratulations to all who were placed. Crushed and Sally gave me a close run!

A special thanks to James for his initiative and all his hard work . And I must publicly thank Liz for her generous post yesterday. That's the best part of blogging - you find so much friendship here.
Well, readers - I have to live up to it now!


  1. Thanks for the link welshcakes and making it so much fun... I peaked a day too early :-)
    Now I must go and concentrate on climbing real mountains x

  2. You deserved it.

    You need to quickly get the hang of second life now. You have `7 days...


  3. You don't have to thank me: you deserve it! Many congratulations. I shall look forward to the continued high standard that we know and love. (So no pressure ther!)

  4. Congratulations WCLC. Well done. First in three categories! Amazing! I can hardly wait to see what the winning banner will be displayed on your site.
    Brava, complimenti.

  5. I'm really happy for you- you run a fantastic blog over here- and I was rooting for you to win some of the categories right from the word go- I think it testifies to how well you blog and to how popular you are and that whatever you should do- don't ever ever stop! :)

  6. congrats Welshcakes!

    you and CBI are both worthy winners.

    now to figure out Second Life. I've got 3 weeks... i wish my son was just two years older and then maybe he could help me (he's 7).

  7. Since you beat me out in category 3, I thought it best I come to visit. You have a lovely blog. Congratulations!

  8. Well done Welshcakes.
    All's well that ends well!

  9. WL. Excellent, what a result! Keep us drooling with those foodie posts. And of course insights into how to be assimilated into local life - I'm taking notes. MM.

  10. Hey! Congratulations, Welsh! That's great news...don't thank us...pat yourself on the're the one who did it! :)

  11. Congratulations; your work has been justifiably rewarded. Well done.

  12. Thank you, Sally. It was fun, all right! Congratulations again to you and enjoy those mountains! Thanks, Deli. Congrats to you on your placings, too. Oh, god - more technology! Thanks again, Liz, and congraulations. Your blog keeps me going! Grazie, cara jmb. Well, when the banner is ready, it'll probably take me forever to be able to put them on! Gracchi, you are kind. That is a compliment indeed. Thank you. Thanks, Pommy. I feel the same about SL! Why don't these downloads come with a techie teenager? Lady M, that's very generous of you - thank you. Well done again to you, Crushed. I'm much happier being equal first with you. Thanks, MM. I'll do my best! Lee, marymary, thank you both. Marymary, congrats to you, too.

  13. Well done WL. Bravo.

  14. Anonymous4:24 pm

    Reward is being loved and you are surely loved by us fans.

  15. Much appreciated, eurodog. Steve, that's a lovely compliment. Thank you.

  16. Hugs my friend

  17. Huge congrats WCL. All awards richly deserved!

  18. Hugs to you, too, Shani. thanks, UPM and congrats again yourself!

  19. Belated congratulations, Welshcakes. A very well-deserved victory, if I may say so.

    And, please come to the SL awards -- downloading and installing the programme is dead simple; it does it automatically. It would be an idea to give it a try beforehand, just so that you're used to moving about in Second Life; Tom Paine seems to be there almost all the time, and if you want to email me to fix up to meet there, I'll be happy to help.

    Besides --we've got to get you there early so we can buy you a virtual posh frock and shoes to rival Ruthie's! A virtual shopping expedition, Welshcakes -- how can you resist?

  20. Thanks, NS and congrats to you, too. What a persuasive man you are! I'm certainly coming into SL if I can get some virtual new shoes - and a dress!

  21. Fantastic news Welshcakes, belated congratulations.
    I have explained to Tom that it will be difficult for me to make the 1st July as I am likely to be away due to it being my birthday around them and I shall be meeting up with my family. It did give me the idea though of having a Second Life birthday party, I would love you to join me, but have no idea how to go about it.

  22. Thank you, Ellee. I am, of course, delighted - and still surprised! When is your birthday exactly? That would be a great idea for you to have a second life b/day party. I don't know how to go about it either, but maybe we can find out together? I've got to try and get to grips with the thing ready for July 1st so if I find out how to do it, I'll let you know!
