
Sunday, June 03, 2007


That's the name my friend Lee gave to yesterday, the second anniversary of my arrival, with dog Simi, in Sicily. I've written at length about that day here but when I think of it now two memories are uppermost in my mind: stepping off the plane and the heat hittting me and being reunited with precious Simi when they wheeled her out of the Scalo Merci in her little pet carrier. And I smile when I think back to the enormous supply of food my Sicilian friends ensured I had for my stay in the "little house".

Simi and I spent yesterday very quietly and actually I got all pensive and melancholy for at times one is bound to remember what was left behind, too. But I cheered up in the evening after I decided to cook myself these "citrus chicken wings", a recipe from a Prue Leith leaflet I picked up long ago. It's a dish I have cooked several times for friends here and it goes down well with them. The wings are marinated in wine, honey, citrus peel and juice, cinnamon, ginger and seasonings. I add some garam masala. I like to serve it with tabbouleh [for which I have to use couscous, no bulghar wheat being available here].


  1. Anonymous5:55 pm

    They do look tasty. When do you plan on a return visit?

  2. Thanks, Steve. Don't know - I'm not homesick, really. I just have a melancholy nature! I wouldn't leave Simone in kennels during the summer heat - I'd be worried all the time - so maybe I'll go over in Oct again for the Cheltenham Lit Festival. [You'd like that, too!]

  3. It is understandable your feelings of melancholia, Welsh...the past comes back at such times and it's probably more wistful than melancholic...but as you said, you get past the "blues" side of it and look at the present and also at the future you have set the path towards. I'm sure you enjoyed a couple of G & Ts and then those delicious chicken wings, and all,once again was well in your world. :)

    Those moments are bittersweet.

  4. How many pieces in that pot? Enough to feed a dozen?

  5. Happy anniversary, WCLC, I suppose it's gone like a flash. It was a brave thing to do so I'm glad it has turned out well for you.
    Looks as if you had a fine celebratory dinner.

  6. Thanks, Lee. Yes, you get past the melancholy stage. I'm nearly always all right once I get cooking! Deli, 13. I asked for 12. I ate 2 for supper last night, 2 tonight, froze some and kept some for cold weekday lunches. I just can't do things by halves, you see, and my mother always said you should keep cooking [within reason] as if you are going to entertain when you are on your own - otherwise, when the time comes, you might find you don't know how to entertain any more! [I don't cook things that will be wasteful, but things that will freeze - that's also important when you are on your own. If you are ill and don't feel like cooking, you have something in store.]

  7. Thank you, jmb. Yes, I enjoyed my dinner - and g & ts! Have you seen James's site today?

  8. You are a brave and determined lady Welshcakes and I do admire you; I loved your story abut setting off for Sicily and the fact that you did not give up asking about Simi; I would have been anxious but just thought about it rather than asking if .oh, is Simi she or he?? were ok.I always try to persuade myself that there is a positive reason for being melancholic at times - you just need to find it..X

  9. Just found the answer to my question - Simone - must be a girl

  10. Hi, janejill. I don't like being pushy but when it comes to Simi, I am! She is my life, you see... Yes, she's a she - named for de Beauvoir - who else?! [She knows it, too!]

  11. Congratulations, Welshcakes! Have you been 'home' at all in the two years? You must come and visit next time you are in the country.

    That chicken dish sound sound tasty. And wings are good for chewing on!

  12. YUMMY! I need to go and make dinner now!


  13. Hi, Liz, yes, I came over for Cheltenham Lit Festival last Oct. It was only for a week and I had so many people to see and so many things I wanted to do that I don't think I sat down for a minute to contemplate! I might come in Oct again this year - dunno yet. It would certainly be lovely to meet if I do. I'd like to come to Swansea for that nice shop where they sell ethnic stuff and dresses - you know, you turn right as you come out of the bus station and it's near. They sell floaty dresses. Please tell me it's still there! Glad you like the look of it, M. Hope you enjoyed dinner.
