
Tuesday, June 19, 2007


- Or, at least, the veins around them did! I noticed them first in Raffaele the hairdresser's full-length mirror. If I say it myself, I did dress rather elegantly in black and white to go out this morning and at Raff's a woman gave me one of those looks the ladies will know well - the one where you look another woman up and down and are visibly relieved when you find something wrong with her appearance. Her eyes came to rest on my feet. Huh! I thought [for Welshcakes can do bitchy - oh, yes!]: "Right - bellissima mia - it'll happen to you, too, one day. But I've got perceptions and knowledge now that I didn't have when I was your age, honey, and that's why I can still fascinate a man in conversation and make him laugh."

It's no good sitting here waiting for the next wrinkle - you gotta make the most of what you have left!


  1. You go for it, Welshcakes! Teach these Italian women a thing or two.

    By the way, I went to visit Second Life world last night. There was a little crowd of us, and Tom was very welcoming. He showed us round - and I managed except I was a bit like a hanger-on, always twelve steps behind! I think some of the lads were struggling too but they kept quiet about it. It was only me saying, 'Oh, dear, wait, I don't know what to do now.' And Tom very patiently saying, 'No, don't press that button, this one' or 'No, left not right,' etc.

    And I look like a trollop because I was in the middle of choosing clothes when I had to go and eat dinner and so it logged me off and I can't get back there again!

    So do come along. Ruthie is very 'with it' and can do all sorts of things. And as I said on my blog, I was just about managing until I stopped listening to Tom and started talking girl-stuff to Ruthie. That was when I fell off the airship.

  2. I try, Liz! Thanks for the info about SL - every time I decide it's time to get to grips with it something distracts me , like today the computer went wrong and the shop man had to come over again. It sounds like you had fun!

  3. Well at least It's just your feet...

    Is the rest of you like Dorian Grey? :)

    btw, you are awaited in second life...

  4. thanks, Lady M! Crushed, there is that! It's only my feet at present! SL : yes, I know I gotta get in there!

  5. Love the sting!! but I hadnt even thought of checking out my feet - face is bad enough; I just cannot look Oh well, as you say we have lots of other things to offer (or withhold rather) x

  6. Errm.. erm.. just you all wait. No really, I sold my soul to the devil and have the horns to prove it. But (wcl) can still do something with my smile & devastaing wit .... (cough)
    Ps my feet are now dreadful - all veins & bones & bunions (blimey, no, I don't hink they are as bad as that - quite yet)

  7. Just examined my feet;I think they are fine. It is the little wad of fat on top that helps;hides the veins.

  8. made me remember an incident that happened to me a few years ago at Sydney airport, Welsh. I was in the bar having a drink before catching my flight. I was dressed up, feeling very smart and wonderful in a wonderfully-cut, stylish grey woolen suit...trousers and coat...suitable blouse and a black felt hat perched on my was a great looking outfit...and there I was feeling very glamorous and stylish, then I realised my zipper was undone! That soon brought me back down to earth! lol

  9. Lizzie, I'm sure you can! You are very witty indeed. Marymary, the Crocs must save your feet! Lovely story, Lee! - Glad it's not just me that sort of thing happens to!

  10. what a witch! that's so rude, i hate when anyone does that let alone another woman!

