
Thursday, June 21, 2007


40 C in Modica Bassa at midday and this morning I awoke to find that the water supply was off in the condominio. We had our last fill-up last Thursday evening and, as no one in this building has a family, I don't see how we could have exhausted the contents of the cistern by 8 am today, even allowing for the extra we all use during a heatwave. I made my usual desperate call to the Water Office at 9am and by the time I came back at 1pm the supply was functioning again. [Newer readers may like to look here for an idea of our summer water sagas.] There's nothing worse than coming home feeling all hot and sticky and not being able to jump into the shower. Now the whole of Sicily is waiting for the electricity supply to fail.

You will note that no one was about in this Modica Bassa street this morning, although I took the photo at a busy time. I thought I'd better post a couple of food photos or my friend Mutley will worry: here is one of the Altro Posto's cooling salads and, as promised, a picture of a refreshing mulberry granita, this time from Bar Ciacera in Modica Bassa.


  1. Ok, so why don't they just drill wells there? I know it's probably a dumb question.

  2. Did you have to walk up those steps to get the granita? I would have been crawling in that heat!

  3. The granita must have been very welcome. I like the idea of living in Italy, but I know that the summer heat would be a problem for me. Don't you have a siesta like the locals.

  4. I'm bloody hot over here and can't slep at night, so God knows what it's like over there...

  5. Pinkacorn, I think the problem is that there has been more development here than could ever have been imagined a few years ago. No, Liz, the granita cafe was below the steps! I couldn't have done it! Marymary, the heat is a problem but it's only at this intensity for 3 months and, as a friend said to me here, it's the "price" you pay for living here. It's just about ok if you're careful and remember, the houses are built for the heat so once you're indoors, it's not too bad. You have to take the locals' advice and keep the shutters down in the daytime so that hot air can't get in. You open up at 7pm. This heat is exceptional at this time of year - it usually comes in July. [July is worse than August for in August at least you can see an end to it.] Crushed, the nights are sticky but you get used to it!

  6. Even though it still cold here, I'm hot thinking about Patrizio...still! ;)

  7. Of course the streets are empty. They are all hiding out inside.
    At least the water is back and the granita di gelsi looks as if it would hit the spot.

  8. The street looks beautiful, but given the heat i can see why it was deserted. Is a granita alcoholic?

  9. Those steps look hard work in the heat. I certainly don't think I could cope with this heat either.

  10. Lee. Patrizio might even cool me down! Jmb, PiK, that's right: no one is out and about unless they have to be. Yes, jmb, granita is very cooling and no, no alcohol in it, PiK. [They will drench it with gin or somnething if you wish, but that defeats the object - it is refreshing as it is.] Ellee, you get used to it, if you do as the locals do.

  11. Oh wow.. I would go crazy if I couldn't take a shower after being hot and sticky all day! Hope you and Simi are as cool as possible!


  12. Ciao, M. We are doing our best. The water came again today.
