
Thursday, June 07, 2007


Vegetables and fruit on display in one of the larger supermarkets this morning. Bite into one of our local apricots and you will think you have found the nectar of the gods!

British readers may not be aware that in supermarkets here your fruit and vegetables are weighed and priced for you in that aisle and not at the checkout, which is one reason why, although even an enormous supermarket may have only 2 checkouts, you never have to wait for long.


  1. Even tesco's fruit and veg does not look as good as that.... :-) :-)

  2. You are so lucky to have that market right on your doorstep. I travel two miles to the nearest small shop;although living in the country has much to recommend.

  3. Anonymous10:16 pm

    Looks like prime season for the fruits and veggies...

  4. Oh dear WCLC, I'm booking the flight now! Marvellous.

  5. Wow, albicoche and fragole at the same time? That's interesting. What a choice? Both I think, such a short season.

  6. This all looks so fresh and fantastic, lucky you, and especially not having to queue. Yes Sally, certainly better than Tesco, I'm afraid to say.

  7. Hi, Sally. It does look inviting, doesn't it? Marymary, it's not that near. - A half hour's walk along a busy, pavenmentless road that I'm always complaining about! I'm a townie myself through and through. Hi, Steve. Yes, throughout the summer the place will be teeming with them. Come on over, Lizzie! Hi, jmb. The strawberry season here is quite long now. I've never seen raspberries here, though. Ellee, I'm daily amazed at not havoing to wait long in the supermarket!

  8. I'm only just now catching up with blogs...sorry, Welsh. I've had an odd week with lots of interruptions...all of the nice ones, thankfully. :)

  9. Hi, Lee. I've been a bit slow with visits myself this week as I haven't been well. Glad all your interruptions have been nice ones!
