
Friday, June 29, 2007


Today is the festa of San Pietro, although most shops and businesses have been open. So, feeling in a festive mood, I finally let Raffaele put in some highlights and lowlights and create a "messy" cut for summer. Now, I wonder if I can get the hairstyle of my avatar in Second Life to look anything like it ready for the Blogpower Awards on Sunday? With my technical skills, I think probably not! Do attend the Awards if you can. You can read all about them at Tom's, James's and Defending the Blog.

If San Giorgio is the glory of Modica Alta, the Duomo di San Pietro is the pride of Modica Bassa and is much loved.


  1. Super wlimoncello,I really like your new hairstyle;I think it suits you very well.

  2. You should be able to.
    I've done quite a bit with the avatar.

    Sadly, it's all I've mastered.

  3. You look stunning - but a little tense. You should have one of your special cocktails/liquours before posing. I would love to see you smile a little more.

    But you really do look fab, I hope you are going out this evening - even if it just for a stroll with Simi.

  4. Thanks, marymary. Of course the test will be when I try to style it that way myself - and it will flop. Crushed, you're more techie than me! I think that's great, if you've mastered the avatar. Ellee, that's 'cos I've got horrible arms and spread a bit after the middle. Yes, several strolls with Simi - and thank you.

  5. Of course you can put me in the "roll" I put you in mine already it's under Best Blogs V... I am v v bad at updating my links so apart from the cookery blogs & specific ones none actually include recent friends which is crap I know but you're on there now so ~~wahey!!

  6. Looking good Welshcakes, but how about a sourire? You'll have to tell us all about the Blog Awards and have a glass of champagne on me.

  7. I love the new hair-do! I just cut mine which was a big mistake...I know what you mean about having to style it the day after...
    And I just missed you at SL. That's another story in itself.

  8. Thought I'd seen that hair before - on you in SL!

  9. That's gorgeous! I love the hair, it's very hip.

  10. You look smashing! A definite red carpet look. Have fun at the awards. It is either censored down here (a possibility) or uses up too much bandwith for my my carrier. I look forward to everyone's reviews.

  11. Wahey indeed, Gleds. I will put you on later or tomorrow! [I procrastinate about mucking about with links and layout.] Thanks, jmb. I thought I wasw smiling, actually! I shall definitely have a glass of champers on you. Thanks, Pink. Sorry I missed you in SL. I hope I can get back over there later. James, you are a flatterer! Ruthie, thanks. It's a long time since anyone called me hip!

  12. You new hairstyle looks lovely, Welsh...very soft and flattering. :)

  13. Lady M, Lee, thank you - you make me feel good about myself!

  14. Fabulous haircut! Really suits you. So good for sitting outside Altro Posto and glancing over your shades every now and then at the men watching you!

  15. Thanks, Liz. I must get stronger glasses so that I can see any men who are watching me!

  16. Anonymous11:15 pm

    Fabulous hairdo WL! But I do hope you smiled a bit more at the awards ceremony. I shall have to give you flirting online lessons! Read that any which way you wish. Worked for me.

  17. Thanks, Shirl. I thought I was smiling! At the awards, I couldn't make my avatar stop dancing! I'll sign up for those lessons!
