
Saturday, June 16, 2007


It's probably not a good idea to start baking when it's 34 C outside but today I felt inspired to try out this torta all'amarena from Aldo Zilli's Foolproof Italian Cookery. [It's the pastry that can get temperamental in the heat but it just about behaved!] The filling is a mixture of ricotta, whipped cream [it's quite difficult to get Italian cream to "peak", I can tell you!] icing sugar and Amaretto liqueur. Well, Zilli says Amaretto but I didn't have any so used Maraschino. The decoration consists of almonds, Amarena Fabbri and some Amarena syrup from the jar [which has to be drizzled on at the last moment]. I didn't toast the almonds as Zilli does because these are fresh and I don't think their taste or appearance could have been improved.

Amarena Fabbri are wild cherries in syrup and they are available in the UK. They used to be always sold in large porcelain jars such as the one on the left of the second photo. I like these jars because they are pretty and you can use them afterwards; as you see, this one serves as a container for chopsticks and purloined swizzle sticks. But these days Amarena Fabbri are more often sold in disappointing receptacles such as the one on the right - a sign of the times? The lid is wonky because I had to jam it in the door to get it off.


  1. Anonymous9:34 pm

    You are a brave hear to be cooking in that heat. I say go out for pizza and ice cream.

  2. ...The lid is wonky because I had to jam it in the door to get it off...

    Classic line.

  3. This looks delicious, Welshcakes. filling sounds good. I guess we could use sour cherries here.

    A little tip for the jar lid removal. It only works if the lid is metal which it must have been if it bent (not plastic). Run the water to hot from the tap and place the lid only under the hot water rotating and letting it heat up. Grab a towel and twist. You may have to repeat it but it should work. Metal expands more than glass in the hot water so makes it easier to open. This is an old pharmacy trick from when lids were still metal.
    Of course I have an electric jar opener. This is North America after all, a gadget for everything. Also everything is so hard to open now because they don't want people poisoning things as they did with the Tylenol some years ago.

  4. It looks like you and me are both having a wickedly decadent weekend, Welsh! ;)

    That certainly looks scrumptiously delicious!

  5. That looks so scrumptious!

  6. Hi, Steve. Oh, well, I like to make things difficult for myself...
    Thanks, James! Thanks, jmb. I did try the hot water trick - several times - but it just wouldn't budge. I'll have to look for an electronic jar opener. I never thought about the poison issue being the reason why the jars are getting harder to open! thanks, Lee and Princess B. I'm all for a bit of decadence, Lee!

  7. The tart looks delicious. My problem is that I would want to eat all of it. Still waiting for my Cookbook to arrive;being despatched from Canada.

  8. marymary, I have to discipline myself when I make stuff like this: I take it to the hairdresser's or wherever I am going for them to share. But last night I had this unexpected lunch invitation and, as the custom is to take along a dessert anyway here, that solved it!

  9. Ah, the good old jamming in the door trick!

    That looks delicious!

  10. Liz, I got so angry with that jar I was ready to take a hammer to it!

  11. Ok cooking in the heat is no small task so let me applaud you now! A much better gal than me! I would have opted for the local pastacieria...

    Otherwise that looks delicious!


  12. M, I just get the urge to try a new recipe and then nothing can stop me!
