
Sunday, May 06, 2007


That is the name I have conferred upon the piazzetta around the corner. It is a peaceful, shady haven from the scorching summer sun and, at this time of year, the scent from its orange blossom hedges is quite heady as you pass.

My "signature" perfume is YSL Paris and I spray it on lavishly every day, but sometimes if I'm relaxing at home or just before going to bed I'll dab on some Zagara [orange blossom] di Sicilia cologne. [Zagara comes from Arabic zahar = blossom.] This cologne is mostly sold in souvenir shops here nowadays. It is a very refreshing , zingy fragrance and I have never been able to buy anything like it in the UK.


  1. Two tasks:

    1] Send me a tester with the Zagara;
    2] Go to one of my blogfrinds here and answer the question about the Sicilian bus drivers.

  2. It sounds a real haven, the sort of place I would love too, made all the more beautiful by its heady floral perfume, appealing to all our senses.

  3. I am sure it smells wonderful! I love the smell of oranges, there is a wonderful scent by the comapny L'Ocitane of oragnes that I wear. Simply love it!

    all the best,

  4. Sounds like a great place to sit and watch the world go by....

  5. Hi, James. Where do I send it? The fragrance might not be the same by the time it arrives and if I send one of those perfume "strip" things it might leak onto the envelope and cause customs problems! Went to your blogfriend and answered the question as best I could. Ellee, perhaps you and I will picnic there one day! Hi, M. There is just something about the scent of oranges, isn't there? I'll look up the perfume you mention. Hi, Sally, yes, you'd never think this square was on a busy street...

  6. How wonderful, I love the scent of orange blossom. The flower itself is a bit underwhelming but makes up for it with its fragrance. It looks like a nice place to linger.

  7. Hi, jmb. Yes, the fragrance does it all for the orange blossom! Simi and I often have a sit-down in this square on our way home. Auguri.

  8. Speaking of "oranges"...any of that liqueur left, Welsh?

    My preference in perfume is anything that is musky.

  9. Welshcakes, you live such a glamorous life.

    Sicily is breathtakingly beautiful.

  10. Anonymous12:32 pm

    My Grandfather has three orange trees near his house in Fresno California. When I was a kid, it was always a treat to pick fresh oranges and eat them when visiting. Great smell.

  11. Recently in a Maroccan restaurant I was served a mint tea with orange blossom syrup (sirop de fleurs d'oranger). It was devine both in smell and taste. I have tried to buy it but have been unsuccessful so far. I will probably find it in the more ethnic parts of Brussels.

  12. Hi, Lee. Yes, 2 full bottles of the liqueur left! Funny you should ask as I was just sitting here pondering which liqueuer to make next. I like musk perfumes on other people but they just won't last on me! Ruthie, no one ever told me I had a glamorous life before! Yes, Sicily is beautiful. Hi, Steve. That'a a nice memory. There is nothing like the smell and taste of a fresh orange. Eurodog, that does, indeed, sound divine. Do you have many ethnic shops there? I only know of one near here, in Ragusa.

  13. Like in any major European city communities of various origins are spread around the city. We have Maroccan, Turkish and Congolese areas. And of course with the influx of the new EU members, there is a panoply of languages to be heard.

  14. Anonymous7:13 pm

    Welshcakes. If you get a chance, stop by. I posted some info about a chance to win an autographed novel by a nice lady in Hawaii.

  15. Hi, Eurodog. That's interesting. I haven't been to Brussels since the seventies! One of the things I miss about the UK is the multicultural atmosphere and availability of all sorts of spices. Thanks, Steve. Will be right over!

  16. As usual I spent ages in the airport wandering round the perfume shop and sparying myself liberally. I love the idea of tangy orangey scents - an tried one on the return journey - but can never find anything that smells authentic and fresh.

    That is a lovely spot to sit. Does Simi sit patiently? It is not something Harvey has ever done.

  17. Sometimes those Arabic scents don't last at all long because of the lack of alcohol. Is the Zagara one of those?

  18. Hi, Liz. I'll bring you some zagara when I next come over. Simi will sit patiently until she sees a cat or another dog!

  19. WW, I don't have a bottle of the zagara scent to hand to check the ingredients but I do have one of the jasmine cologne made by the same company: it's a 25 ml bottle and it contains: fragrance, demineralised water and 39 c. ethyl alcohol. Did you know the mafia send you a jasmine flower if you are next on their list?
