
Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I've written before that one of the advantages of ageing is that I can put my sunglasses on and people-watch from a café terrace without anyone taking a blind bit of notice: In another district of Modica where I sometimes go to shop, there is an undertaker's, the employees of which spend each day sitting around in the various nearby cafés, mobile phones at the ready, waiting for someone to pop off. It seems a strange kind of job, akin, perhaps, to that of being the heir to the British throne. One of these men is - well- gorgeous, in a way that only Italian men can be and his manner suggests that he knows it! Unusually tall for a Sicilian [my friend Gina is convinced God made Sicilians short so that they'd be further away from the hot sun!] dark and swarthy , he strolls along, white t-shirt pulled tightly across his muscular chest, spotless designer jeans fitting perfectly and sporting a loosely cut, open black jacket. Gucci sunglasses complete the look. Most of the time I am beneath his notice but occasionally, if he is feeling gracious, he will deign to say "buongiorno". I saw him this morning and noticed - oh, no! - he has grown a goatee! Now, I've nothing against goatees; but this one just doesn't look right on Mr Gorgeous!
[I have written this post in the full knowledge that I couldn't get away with it if I were a man writing about a woman.]


  1. Take a picture! Take a picture!

  2. Anonymous8:03 pm

    Better yet, have someone take a picture of you two together. Tell him your dear aunt wanted a picture of you standing next to one of those handsome Italian boys. He just might buy it.

  3. I second Ruthie's comment.

    You obviously have your new battery so go get it, girl!

  4. I had a goatee once.
    I was 21. Am I forgiven?

  5. Ruthie and Liz, I should, shouldn't I? Steve, how cunning!

  6. Crushed, I'm sure your goatee was very stylish!

  7. Is he "a man of the bed" or "a man of the heart"?

  8. Oh my. I will be in Modica in August and I must go sit and watch these men!

    I love your blog. It is giving me such a wonderful taste of Modica in preparation for my first visit.

  9. Sounds pretty sexy to me. Like Ruthie says, take a picture. Oh Steve's idea is better.

  10. Be still, my heart!!!

  11. And yes! Take a pic of "Mr. Gorgeous" for us. Don't be mean, keeping him all to yourself! ;)

  12. Please try and take a pic of Mr Goatee, introduce him to your readers. They suit very few men.

  13. Oh, I should think he's definitely a "man of the bed", eurodog! Nicole, you must man-watch while you are here! Are you coming on holiday or studying or business? Thank you for your kind comments about my blog. Jmb, Lee, Ellee, I'll try!

  14. I am coming on holiday. My good, dear friend lives in Modica.
    He warned me about the heat and told me that I will beg him to take an afternoon nap (I am not a napper).

  15. Hi, Nicole. I'm not a napper either but I think you will find yourself dropping off in the afternoon heat of August here!
