
Wednesday, May 02, 2007


- This squashy, shiny, white bag and I.


  1. Anonymous5:34 pm

    Something to make a woman's heart flutter.

  2. What about the bags for the gold shoes?

  3. It's BEAUTIFUL.

    Spray it with Scotch-gard so it won't stain.

  4. I was telling my sister today that I need a new white handbag for the summer. She has a dress shop and buys beautiful accessories too. I'm sure you have great shoes to match.

    Glad to see the Alan Johnston link. I posted it to Geoff to add to my template, I must send him a reminder.

  5. Oh yes - very you indeed.

  6. Indeed, Steve. WW, what a memory you have! Haven't got round to those, yet. Thanks for the tip, Ruthie. Shoes next, Ellee! The Alan Johnston link was easy to add. I do so feel for him and his family. Readers may like to know that the BBC has an online petiton for his release.
    You know me well, James!

  7. Had a look round Harrods today... many many bags you would have loved... but not my cup of tea I am afraid to say...

  8. It's so chic.. yet room for many little necessities - don't let your students near it. x

  9. Welshcakes it's gorgeous. I love the new style of squishy handbag with the shorter handle which you can still put over your shoulder but doesn't swing about and knock things flying every time you turn around.
    I do have one specification for any handbag that's inviolate. It has to have an outside pocket for my keys. I hate rooting around in my handbag at the door or beside the car.
    I'm not going for a week and I intend to post to my blog via email while I'm away so keep coming by to visit.

  10. Now open it up and show us what you've got inside of it, Welsh! :)

  11. Hi, Sally. Harrods - how I miss Howell's of Cardiff, which is of the same chain, especially the perfumery! Hi, janejill. Glad you like it. I always end up "fighting" with little bags. When I was teaching in Britain the kids would be into your bag if you turned round for a minute. Once they had the school master key off the ring in a second. I don't think that problem exists here. Jmb, I'm with you there. I do like bags that are elegant but will still go over your shoulder without hitting everyone for six, as you say. I like an outside pocket, too. Glad you'll still be posting - I would have withdrawal symptoms otherwise! OK, Lee: purse, credit card holder, 4 pens , 2 notebooks, make-up bag, keys, asthma inhaler, tissues, camera, mobile,glasses case, diary, business cards in a holder. If it's evening and I HAVE to use one of those tiny bags, I forget about purse and coins and just take a few notes, make sure I've got my inhaler, forget about being able to see as there's no room for glasses [I do use contacts but as I'm now at the varifocal stage having one in the left eye for distance and one in the right eye for close vision can cause a fall downstairs after a g and t!], dump the make-up bag but make sure I've got lippy, a mirror and coloured eyepencils for repairs, take credit cards cos I think they're safer with me than at home and always take mobile. Glad I've had the change so I don't need to worry about those supplies!

  12. It is a really nice bag not too big not too small; just right. If I ever learn how to add photos to my blog I would love to show you the very pretty little lacy velvet evening bag I bought in Valdemossa a couple of weeks ago. I saw it and had purchased it within one minute. Shoes and bags ooooh!

  13. Mmm.... lovely to show off in a warm climate, I think.

    P.S. Thanks very much for link, WCL, which I have reciprocated.

  14. Hi, marymary. I'd love to see a pic of the bag you bought, too. don't worry - you'll start uploading photos when you feel ready and the instructions are quite clear. If I can do it, I'm sure you can!! Lizzie, a pleasure.

  15. Anonymous12:26 am

    So stylish, Ms Limoncello! Just getting into choosing the outfit for my stepson's wedding in August. It's a minefield of etiquette - both real mothers gonna be there too! Do I go for "knock 'em dead" or "fade into the background knowing I have the man now"? Miaow - oops, sorry Simi.

  16. Shirl, definitely "knock 'em dead"! Welshcakes doesn't believe in "fading"! Simi says she's glad to hear from you so doesn't mind if it's a "miaow"!
