
Friday, May 25, 2007


A touch of red in my hair colour was what I needed, decided Raffaele the hairdresser this morning so here I am, folks! Sorry about the pile of chairs behind me - the Altro Posto were making more room on their terrace - and I didn't like to ask a busy waiter to attempt another shot. When I asked him to take the photo and explained it was because of my new hair colour [they already think I am mad because I am constantly snapping the food there] he decided to try his English: "Yes, please, please - hair - good, good".

Raffaele has been on a course in Napoli and has come back brimming with new ideas. He is very pleased because his certificate is in English and says "Get the Look" and now he wants me to have one of those new "messy" cuts. "Not till you show me a picture of what it will look like", said I. So now we await what he calls "Il Look Book", which the course organisers are sending him. Watch this space!


  1. Very nice, you remind me of Mia Farrow. A good thing!

  2. Your hair looks great, Welsh. That's a very soft colour and oh, so flattering...I like it. :)

  3. Anonymous10:47 am

    Very nice picture of a lovely woman. A little smile would have been nice.

  4. You look great Welshcakes - your hair colour is a triumph and perfect for the summer. Like the dress too, though sorry we weren't treated to a glimpse of one of the new linen numbers you picked up a couple of days ago - have a lovely weekend, here it's Bank Holiday and needless to say the weather forecast is appalling

  5. Oh, yes, very nice. It suits your skin colour. A messy cut is great! Take it from from who hates to have to do her hair.

  6. I like the color!

    I've been trying to cover my gray on my own with no luck. It's very resistant to change! I think I'm going to have to go back to the hairdresser.

  7. I am what is referred to in French as "poivre et sel". I am afraid the "sel" is taking over. My husband asked me the other day if I had been painting. "No. Why?" I asked. "You have white paint in your hair" he replied.

  8. Pinkacorn, I'm trying not to let that go to my head! Thanks, Lee. Steve, you are kind as always. I look like a crazy clown when I smile to order! Thanks, Sally. I'm going to put pics of Thursday's purchases up in a minute. It's sweltering here - you can tell because it's gone 5 and no one has risen from siesta yet. Hope you have a good bank hol and that the weather does improve. Hi, Liz. I must say, I am very tempted to try it! Thanks, Bonnie. I think our hair just gets more stubborn as we get older! The sun fades mine like crazy.

  9. Love your hair...yes I agree with Liz, a messy cut is brilliant..we shall have to see what Raffaele can come up with!!!!

  10. Not to worry, Welshcakes. If he tries the new cut and it doesn't work out, he'll feel so guilty you'll be discounted for years.

  11. Strawberry blonde. Well I assume so. It's beautiful. Raffaele vale la pena, even if he makes you wait. I assume this is the reward for waiting around.
    This colour will be great with the white dress.

  12. Eurodog, your hair looks fine to me! Nice story. Thanks, Anne. We'll see what he's got in mind. James, I never though of that! - There's an idea! Thanks, jmb. Yes, he's worth the waiting though it drives me barmy at times.

  13. I really think a short messy spiky cut would really suit you. The clothes you have just bought are kind of bohemian and that style would look very arty. Go for it!!!

  14. Thanks, marymary. Maybe I will!

  15. Beautiful!

    Not everyone can pull off a bold red lip. You look lovely.

  16. I've gone all weak at the knees

  17. The colour suits you indeed.You must go for a slightly messy feathery look as you have such a dainty and pretty face; I seem to have a larger than average head( no I am not quite a monster )so I am a bit restricted. One day I will find a good hairdresser who doesnt then leave the country...then I probably will.

  18. Thank you kindly, Ruthie. You've made me smile, JJ! Thank you, too, janejill. Yes, good hairdressers always leave, don't they? aaaaagh!
