
Monday, April 16, 2007


I wanted to post something more cheerful tonight, so here are some favourite photos from my Sicilian adventures before I came to live here:
[1] Me some years ago at nearby Donnalucata.
[2] The fishmarket there.
[3] The beautiful sea at Eloro, taken one Easter.
[4] I love this memory! I was the only person who wanted to take a boat trip around the harbour at Siracusa on this occasion, and this kind crew member played for me!
[I am trying to make my photos smaller and am aware that I haven't yet got it quite right. Are you there, Ludlingtonian??]


  1. Anonymous9:59 pm

    Welshcakes, really nice.

  2. wish I had a decent fish market near me!

  3. That's Siracusa?

    One of my great-grandparents was from there. I've never seen it.

    You live the high life, Welshcakes! Sicily is so pretty and blue... it looks so warm. What a nice crew member to play for you.

  4. Who is that lovely blonde lady? I'll bet that blonde hair got you in lots of troubles with the Italians.
    Once in Florence in a group I was with, we had a young blonde member and we literally had to surround her all the time because of the hassling by the young Italian men.

  5. Anonymous9:39 am

    Hello, WL -

    Yes, I'm here. And from where I'm sitting, I'd say you've done very well. The pictures are much smaller, so you should have much more posting ahead of you before you hit the file-size buffers.

  6. Hi,

    I can guarantee Donnalucata is a nice place where to have holidays. What I like of it are mainly sky and sea coulors during the summer. If you don't trust me have a look at this link


  7. Yes, your pictures are lovely and well-sized, too!

  8. Thanks, Steve. C/u, as you know, I don't eat fish but I like to watch people choosing them in a good market. Ruthie, one day you will make it to Siracusa, I'm sure, and you will find it fascinating, as I do. Yes, the crew member was very sweet. I don't think I live the high life, though! jmb, you are kind. The blond hair did get me into some scrapes when I was young, but things are calmer now! Ludlingtonian, thank you for your kind reassurance. Ciao, Nanni e grazie. Sei gentile. Bonnie, thank you!

  9. I wish I had been with you to share that moment, what a lovely, kind man to play for you.

    I think the pictures are well sized too, I look forward to seeing lots more.

    And btw, who wants calm?

  10. Hi, Ellee. Glad the pics are Ok. Yes, he was a lovely man, that crewman. As for calm... no, I'll leave that, or I'll be writing a feminist essay and then contradicting myself in some way..
