
Wednesday, April 11, 2007


On Easter Monday everyone in Sicily goes out into the countryside to feast there and celebrate the coming of spring. This year I was invited to Irma's country house and arrived in time to watch husband Cesare barbecuing the traditional artichokes. I've mentioned eating them roasted before, but on Easter Monday they are cooked alla brace and their wonderful aroma pervades gardens and fields everywhere.

Irma served up her lovely spring pasta dish, containing zucchini, asparagus and carrots and to follow there were enormous barbecued lamb steaks [the lamb having been seasoned with coarse seasalt, oregano, garlic and lemon juice] with thick, barbecued slices of pancetta and Italian sausage. Then came the moment to eat the artichokes: apart from being absolutely delicious, these clear the palate ready for the dessert. You just pick off the leaves, suck the gorgeous juices and make a mess. Served like this, on good, hard Modican bread, they are a double delight for the slice of bread, too, has become impregnated with the juices by the time you get to it and tastes divine.

In the last two pictures you can see my own contribution to this feast: a pavé al cioccolato, the recipe for which I found in a supermarket recipe leaflet here some years ago. You just layer savoiardi biscuits [the tips of which you have cut off] sprinkling them liberally with whatever colourless liqueur you fancy as you go [in this case Maraschino] then cover the layers with a chocolate and whisked egg-white mixture. Finally you cover the whole caboodle with the chocolate mixture and chill it overnight.


  1. Just commenting on your blog at the moment you're commenting on mine. Hope all is well with you and the blog is back working again. I've missed you these last few days.

    The pavé al cioccolato seems absolutely scrumptious. I want some now.

  2. I LOVE roasted artichokes...

    I can't visit your blog without leaving hungry... post recipes!

  3. Hi, James. It's nice to have been missed - makes me feel part of a family! Missed all the blogpowers and other friends, too. I'll make you a pavé al cioccolato one day! Hi, Ruthie. They are wonderful aren't they? I do post recipes when they are not copyright and am thinking of putting a recipe index on the blog - when I figure out how to do it!

  4. Hi WCLC,
    More good food. Do your friends go berserk when you photograph the food all the time? I think I would be intimidated if I thought everything I cooked was going out into the blogosphere.
    Sound like an easy dessert. And tasty too.

  5. Welshcakes, do you work out in the Gym? I don't see how you han have all of this yummy food and not be the size of me without buckets of exercise!

  6. I've never seen the attraction of artichokes but perhaps I just need to have them cooked properly for me! The pasta dish looks yummy. And barbecued lamb, yum too. But much as I love chocolate, I'm not keen on chocolatey things.

  7. I'm just switching off to go to bed and you are making me very hungry.

  8. jmb, well, I do always ask them! They just seem to think I am mad, more than anything else! Delicolor, what's a gym?!
    Liz, you'll just have to come over and try these artichokes!- You will change your mind. Sogni d'oro, Ellee.

  9. Yummy... all except for the lamb. Just can't do it. Not a vegetarian or anything.. but just can't!

    Buon Appetito!

  10. I can't cope. Pictures of real food - all too much !!

    Best wishes and Happy Easter


  11. Hello, WCL. I have just found your site. The photographs are marvelous. Food and I go together all too well, both the cooking and the eating thereof...

    I shall return when I get back from South of France; off this weekend for a bit of a foodie seven days - local food festivals, fish restaurants, oyster producers, Noilly Prat visit, wine tastings oh gosh shall I ever survive?

  12. Anonymous7:35 pm

    Another delightful meal. I've never had roasted artichokes. But they do look and sound tasty.

  13. Hi, M. Well, we can't all like everything. Lamb is such a popular dish in the UK that I find it quite frustrating to have difficulty in finding it here. Shani, hope you had a good Easter too. Will be over to check on you soon. Nice to meet you, Lizzie. That sounds like a great trip - one after my own heart! Oh, Steve, you must come and taste some!

  14. You really are not very fair, Welsh!

    Last night I scolded myself by telling me I'm going on a week! Later I'm having spaghetti bolognese...tomorrow I'm having a thick rump steak with fresh mushroom sauce...yes, those rascally mushrooms again...then after that...nothing! And what do you go and post pictures of all that delicious food! ;)

  15. Artichokes! We always steamed our artichokes. Now I must try roasting them.
